Selective foliage foraging by Red Wattlebirds,Anthochaera carunculata , and Noisy Friarbirds, Philemon corniculatus
Anthony S. J. Saunders and Shelley Burgin
101(2) 163 - 166
Published: 2001
The foraging ecology of Red Wattlebirds, Anthochaera carunculata, and Noisy Friarbirds, Philemon corniculatus, was compared across central eastern New South Wales. Both species forage significantly more frequently on Eucalyptus punctata, relative to its abundance, than on any other species in all sites and seasons. Noisy Friarbirds were often absent from sites with E. punctata when Red Wattlebirds were present and foliage gleaning.
© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 2001