Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 46 Number 1 1995
MF9950019Exchange of trace elements at the sediment-water interface during early diagenesis processes
W Petersen, K Wallman, L Pinglin, F Schroeder and HD Knauth
pp. 19-26
MF9950033Benthic microbial response to a sedimentation event at low temperature in sediments of a eutrophic lake
E Tornblom and B Bostrom
pp. 33-43
MF9950045 Sediment metabolism in a transitional continental - marine area: The Albufera of Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain)
P Lopez, M Vidal, X Lluch and JA Morgui
pp. 45-53
MF9950055Diagenetic processes and nutrient fluxes at the sediment-water interface, northern Adriatic Sea, Italy
A Barbanti, MC Bergamini, F Frascari, S Miserocchi, M Ratta and G Rosso
pp. 55-67
MF9950069Controlling mechanisms of sediment-driven dissolved oxygen dynamics in New Bedford Outer Harbour
BH Kolb and MC Heineman
pp. 69-79
MF9950081 Determination of sediment oxygen demand by direct measurement and by inference from reduced species accumulation
RK Gelda, MT Auer and SW Effler
pp. 81-88
MF9950089 Phosphorus diagenesis in lake sediments: investigations using fractionation techniques
MR Penn, T Auer, EL Van Orman and JJ Korienek
pp. 89-99
MF9950101Sediment contamination by heavy metals in a lock-regulated section of the River Neckar
U Kern and B Westrich
pp. 101-106
MF9950107Trace element composition in sediments of the Amazonian Lake Cristalino
ESB Ferraz and EAN Fernandes
pp. 107-111
MF9950129PCB profiles in sediments of Lakes Maggiore, Como and Garda (Italy)
A Provini, S Galassi, L Guzzella and G Valli
pp. 129-136
MF9950137Time-trend analysis of PAH and PCB sediment fluxes in the northern Baltic proper using different dating methods
J Axelman, C Bandh, D Broman, R Carman, P Jonsson, H Larsson, H Linder, C Naf and H Pettersen
pp. 137-144
MF9950145The S. Domingos Mine: A study of heavy metal contamination in the water column and sediments of the Chanca River Basin by discharge from an ancient cupriferous pyrite mine (Portugal)
EG Pereira, I Moura, JR Costa, JD Mahony and RV Thomann
pp. 145-151
MF9950153Retention and horizontal redistribution of sedimentary Chernobyl 137Cs in a small Swedish forest lake
K Konitzer and M Meili
pp. 153-158
MF9950159Distribution of aluminium from alum sludge in water and sediment
MP Abdullah, I Baba, S Sarmani and Erdawati
pp. 159-165
MF9950167 Non-point-source nutrient losses to the aquatic environment in Denmark: impact of agriculture
B Kronvang, R Grant, SE Larsen, LM Svendsen and P Kristensen
pp. 167-177
MF9950179Consolidation of dredged sludge, measured by an acoustic densitometer
H Verbeek and JM Cornelisse
pp. 179-188
MF9950189Effect of major flow diversion on sediment nutrient release in a stratified reservoir
SG Schadlow and DP Hamilton
pp. 189-195
MF9950209Transport of adsorbing metals from stream water to a stationary sand-bed in a laboratory flume
H Eylers, NH Brooks and JJ Morgan
pp. 209-214
MF9950215 Thorium isotopes as indicators of scavenging rates in the Venice Lagoon
JK Cochran, M Frignani, DJ Hirschberg and C Barnes
pp. 215-221
MF9950223A simple method to quantify sources of settling particles in lakes: Resuspension versus new sedimentation of material from planktonic production
GA Weyhenmeyer, M Meili and DC Pierson
pp. 223-231
MF9950233Colloidal particle exchange between stream and stream bed in a laboratory flume
AI Packman and NH Brooks
pp. 233-236
MF9950237Biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and trace metals in anoxic freshwater sediments of the Neckar River, Germany
Y Song and G Muller
pp. 237-243
MF9950245Relation between mercury concentration and water discharge in the Katun River, Siberia
SA Sukhenko
pp. 245-250
MF9950251Desorption during resuspension events: Kinetic v. equilibrium model
CY Cheng, JF Atkinson and JV DePinto
pp. 251-256
MF9950257Heavy metals in intact and resuspended sediments of a California reservoir, with emphasis on potential bioavailability of copper and zinc
DG Slotton and JE Reuter
pp. 257-265
MF9950275Mobilization of PAH from polluted seabed and uptake in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.)
K Naes, T Bakke and R Konieczny
pp. 275-285
MF9950287On the seasonal migration of the cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata in Lake Erken, Sweden, and its influence on the pelagic population
L Forsell and K Pettersson
pp. 287-293
MF9950295Mechanisms, measurement and importance of sediment resuspension in lakes
J Bloesch
pp. 295-304
MF9950321Spatial variability in sediment composition and evidence for resuspension in a large, deep lake
ME Lebo and JE Reuter
pp. 321-326
MF9950327Tracing sources of suspended sediment in river basins: A case study of the River Culm, Devon, UK
DE Walling and JC Woodward
pp. 327-336
MF9950337Sediment transport in the lower Saginaw River
M Cardenas, J Gailani, CK Zeigler and W Lick
pp. 337-347
MF9950359 Prediction of bottom dynamic conditions in coastal waters
J Persson and L Hakanson
pp. 359-371
MF9950373Empirical orthogonal functional analysis of sediment concentration profiles subjected to waves and currents
OWH Wai and KW Bedford
pp. 373-382
MF9950393Spreading model for a turbidity current with reversing buoyancy from a constant-volume release
BE Hurzeler, GN Ivey and J Imberger
pp. 393-408
MF9950409Turbidity, particle fluxes and mineralisation of carbon and nitrogen in a shallow coastal area
JR Valeur, A Jensen and M Pejrup
pp. 409-418