Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 43 Number 6 1992
MF9921339Modelling of the residual circulation in Broken Bay and the lower Hawkesbury River, NSW
B Kjerfve, HE Seim, AF Blumberg and LD Wright
pp. 1339-1357
MF9921381Dissolved trace metal speciation in the Manuherikia River, Central Otago, New Zealand
DJ Hawke and KA Hunter
pp. 1381-1391
MF9921393 Total mercury concentrations in sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis Cuvier & Valenciennes, from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria
GJ Fabris, C Monahan, G Nicholson and TI Walker
pp. 1393-1402
MF9921403Macroinvertebrate activity in the water column of backwaters in an upland stream in Victoria
P O'Leary, PS Lake, R Marchant and TJ Doeg
pp. 1403-1407
MF9921437Distribution and timing of spawning by the Australian pilchard (Sardinops sagax neopilchardus) off Albany, Western Australia
WJ Fletcher and RJ Tregonning
pp. 1437-1449
MF9921451Diet in odacid and aplodactylid fishes from Australia and New Zealand
JH Choat and KD Clements
pp. 1451-1459
MF9921481Population genetics of tailor, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus) (Pisces: Pomatomidae) in Australia
RK Nurthen, R Cameron and DA Briscoe
pp. 1481-1486
MF9921487Observations of circulation and exchange processes in Jervis Bay, New South Wales
PE Holloway, G Symonds and Vaz R Nunes
pp. 1487-1515
MF9921517Characteristics of coastal waters of the western Bay of Bengal during different monsoon seasons
A Suryanarayana, CS Murty and DP Rao
pp. 1517-1533
MF9921535Phosphorus sorption-desorption by some sediments of the Johnstone Rivers catchment, northern Queensland
C Pailles and PW Moody
pp. 1535-1545
MF9921547Associations and abundance of sea urchins and abalone on shallow subtidal reefs in southern New South Wales
NL Andrew and AJ Underwood
pp. 1547-1559
MF9921561Enzyme variation in orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus (Teleostei: Trachichthyidae), from southern Australian and New Zealand waters
NG Elliott and RD Ward
pp. 1561-1571
MF9921573Blood gas transport and oxygen consumption in a supralittoral crab, Leptograpsus variegatus (Crustacea: Brachyura)
P Greenaway, S Morris, N Sanders and A Adamczewska
pp. 1573-1584