Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 40 Number 5 1989
MF9890465An estimate of Bass Strait water Movement in the Western Tasman Sea during the Australian Coastal Experiment
M Tomczak and E Tanner
pp. 465-469
MF9890471 Phenology of the Cladophora-Stigeoclonium community in Two Urban Creeks of Melbourne
TJ Entwisle
pp. 471-489
MF9890491Effects of Hypoxia on Oxygen consumption by two species of Freshwater Mussel (Unionacea: Hyriidae) from the River Murray
F Sheldon and KF Walker
pp. 491-499
MF9890519Impact of timber harvesting and production on streams: A review
IC Campbell and TJ Doeg
pp. 519-539
MF9890541Population genetics of two tropical sharks, Carcharhinus tilstoni and C. sorrah, in Northern Australia
S Lavery and JB Shaklee
pp. 541-557
MF9890559Effect of physical factors on the vertical distribution of Phytoplankton in Eutrophic Coastal waters
AJ Gabric and J Parslow
pp. 559-569