Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 36 Number 1 1985
MF9850041Meiofauna associated with mangroves in the Hunter River estuary and Fullerton Cove, south-eastern Australia
M Hodda and WL Nicholas
pp. 41-50
MF9850059Limnological studies of waterfowl habitat in south-western New South Wales. I. Water chemistry
SV Briggs, MT Maher and SM Carpenter
pp. 59-67
MF9850069 Feeding behaviour and limb morphology of two cladocerans with small intersetular distances
GG Ganf and RJ Shiel
pp. 69-86
MF9850087Functional morphology of the balanomorph barnacles Tesseropora rosea (Krauss) and Tetraclitella purpurascens (Wood) (Tetraclitidae)
DT Anderson and JT Anderson
pp. 87-113