Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 25 Number 1 1974
MF9740025Mortality and longevity in the whelk Dicathais orbita (Gmelin)
BF Phillips and NA Campbell
pp. 25-33
MF9740049Studies on southern Australian abalone (Genus Haliotis). II. Reproduction of five species
SA Shepherd and HM Laws
pp. 49-62
MF9740089Reconnaissance limnology of Sub-Antarctic islands. II. Additional features of the chemistry of Macquarie Island lakes and tarns
RT Buckney and PA Tyler
pp. 89-95
MF9740151Seasonal dynamics and productivity of Tanytarsus barbitarsis Freeman (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the benthos of a shallow, saline lake
CG Paterson and KF Walker
pp. 151-165
MF9740167Distribution of fish in inland saline waters in Victoria, Australia
BC Chessman and WD Williams
pp. 167-172