Evaluating management effectiveness of the Moulouya River Estuary Ramsar Site in Morocco: an application of the R-METT tool and implications for conservation
Toufik Ouagga
To ensure biodiversity outcomes in protected and conserved areas, it is essential that they are governed and managed effectively.
The study is an evaluation of the management effectiveness of Ramsar Sites in Morocco, with a particular focus on the Moulouya River Estuary, a wetland outside protected areas, to identify key challenges and propose strategies for improvement.
The Ramsar Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (R-METT) was used to assess the Moulouya River Estuary across the following six elements: context, planning, input, process, output, and outcome. The R-METT score was converted to the global reporting standard for comparison.
The site performed a management effectiveness score of 26% (28% in global reporting), highlighting important shortcomings. Major challenges include the absence of legal protection, insufficient resources and minimal community involvement. Principal threats arise from tourism infrastructure, hydrological disruptions caused by upstream dams, and unsustainable agricultural practices.
The study identified critical management gaps, underscoring the urgent need for governmental and conservation-partner interventions to safeguard the ecological value of the estuary.
Integrating unprotected Ramsar Sites into national conservation strategies is essential. Establishing partnerships between provincial authorities and local communities, alongside implementing long-term conservation initiatives with sustainable funding, is recommended.
Keywords: biodiversity, conservation, ecological, hydrological, management, protected areas, tool, wetlands.
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