Early warning and monitoring of the safety risk of coastal nuclear power plant cold source under the stress from Phaeocystis globosa blooms
Jialin Ni
In recent years, Phaeocystis globosa has become a typical red tide species in the Beibu Gulf, posing a safety hazard to the cold-water intake system of the Guangxi Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant.
To establish an effective early risk-warning monitoring and ensure the safety of nuclear power plant cold-water intakes.
In this study, a multifactor and multilevel early risk-warning monitoring system was established using the early warning idea of ‘risk grading’.
The results showed that this method can analyse the influence trend of marine-environment changes on the growth of P. globosa and improve the timeliness of early warning and forecasting.
The method established in this paper can effectively guide coastal nuclear power enterprises to conduct early risk warning and monitoring of P. globosa and improve the accuracy of early warning and forecasting.
The methed is of great significance to coastal nuclear power enterprises dealing with red tide disasters caused by P. globosa blooms.
Keywords: accident life-cycle theory, cold-source safety, nuclear power plant, Phaeocystis globosa, risk grading, risk warning, risk warning and monitoring system, the early warning monitoring indices.
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