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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
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Relating arsenic and phosphorus remobilisation to sediment formation mechanisms using fractionation and trends in elemental composition

Kathryn L. Linge A B C and Carolyn E. Oldham A
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A NERC ICP Facility, Centre for Earth and Environmental Sciences Research, School of Earth Sciences and Geography, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 2EE, UK.

B Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 55(5) 525-532
Submitted: 16 July 2003  Accepted: 22 April 2004   Published: 5 August 2004


Shallow lakes are frequently characterised by a consolidated sediment that is covered by an overlying floc layer. Arsenic and P remobilisation was related to differences in contaminant binding and sediment formation for two such sediments from Lake Yangebup, Western Australia. Chemical fractionation data, statistical relationships between total elemental concentrations, and mineralogy data highlighted differences in As and P binding in each sediment. The results showed that As and P are bound in a common Fe oxide fraction in the consolidated sediment, whereas in the floc As is mostly bound by adsorption and P is scavenged during Fe or natural organic matter sedimentation. The disparity between As and P binding in floc can be accounted for by differences in As and P oxidation state (As(III) v. P(V)), the incorporation of P but not As into natural organic matter, and the short time scale of floc formation. Arsenic and P behavior is closer in the consolidated sediment because As(III) gradually oxidizes to As(V) during consolidated sediment formation. The results demonstrate that, despite sediment heterogeneity and chemical complexity, contaminant binding and remobilisation mechanisms can be determined using a suite of simple chemical tests. This is important if remediation strategies are to be evaluated properly.

Extra keywords: floc layer


We thank Dr Frank Lincoln for performing the XRD analyses and for his assistance in interpreting the results, as well as Dr Graeme Bately for his helpful and constructive comments on our manuscript. This work was funded by a Small ARC Grant. K. L. was supported financially by an Australian Postgraduate Award. This paper is Centre for Water Research Report ED1505KL.


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