Co-developing ‘The CyberABIlity Scale’ to assess vulnerability to cyberscams for people with acquired brain injury: Delphi and cognitive interviews with clinicians and people with acquired brain injury
Jao-Yue J. Carminati

Although individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI) may be vulnerable to cyberscams, the lack of existing measures documenting cybersafety behaviours in people with ABI limits our understanding of ABI-specific risk factors, the frequency of this problem, and the ability to evaluate evidence-based interventions. The CyberABIlity Scale was developed to assess vulnerability in people with ABI via self-rated statements and practical scam-identification tasks. This study aimed to develop and refine The CyberABIlity Scale through feedback from clinicians and people with ABI.
Scale feedback was collected via three rounds of clinician surveys (n = 14) using Delphi methods and two rounds of cognitive interviews with participants with ABI (n = 8). Following each round, feedback was quantitatively and qualitatively summarised, and revisions were made accordingly.
Key revisions included removing 12 items deemed irrelevant. Instructions and rating scales were revised to improve clarity. Cognitive interviews identified 15 comprehension errors, with further revisions made to support response clarity for participants with ABI. Clinicians and participants with ABI endorsed the content and face validities of The CyberABIlity Scale.
Following further validation, The CyberABIlity Scale has the potential to be an effective screening measure for online vulnerability for people with ABI within clinical and research settings.
Keywords: acquired brain injury, cognitive interviewing, cyberscams, cybercrime, delphi method, measure development, validation.
People become frequently socially isolated after sustaining an acquired brain injury (ABI; Ponsford et al. 2014). Online activities (e.g. social networking, online dating, email) may enhance social connection and information access after ABI (Vaccaro et al. 2007; Tsaousides et al. 2011; Brunner et al. 2015, 2019, 2020). However, the inherent risks and challenges of online engagement may be heightened for people with ABI (Brunner et al. 2021). Cognitive and communication impairments may create difficulty in using technology independently (McDonald et al. 2013; Charters et al. 2015), causing individuals with ABI to feel overwhelmed, confused and fatigued (Brunner et al. 2019, 2020). Furthermore, there may be increased vulnerability to online crime victimisation (Kilov et al. 2010; Tsaousides et al. 2011; Brunner et al. 2015, 2019; Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b).
Cyberscams are online crimes involving fraudulent online offers or other deceptive means designed to collect money or personal information (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008). In Australia, over AU$3 billion was reportedly lost to scams last year (ACCC 2023), with significant emotional impact commonly experienced too (Whitty and Buchanan 2016). A survey of 101 clinicians and service providers found that 53.5% identified having at least one client with ABI who had been scammed (Gould et al. 2023b). Qualitative interviews with cyberscam survivors with ABI and close others (COs; e.g. family members, friends) identified a range of risk factors relating to cognitive impairment, lack of scam awareness, feeling ‘bored and lonely’ and having an overly trusting and generous personality (Gould et al. 2023a).
To date, purported cyberscam risk factors for people with ABI remain theoretical and require objective investigation. To do so, a valid measure is required to assess risk factors of scams for people with ABI, to enhance our understanding of the frequency of cyberscams and to quantitatively evaluate evidence-based cyberscam interventions. An objective measure may also serve as a screening tool to identify at-risk individuals and support the early identification of potential risk factors that may be addressed through interventions. This is particularly crucial given scam self-discovery for people with ABI is difficult, with detection often dependent on family members or clinicians identifying scam red flags (e.g. family members becoming aware of money sent or of a love interest overseas) and initiating interventions (Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b).
Given the need for a valid measurement of scam susceptibility for people with ABI, our group examined the suitability of existing measures. The Susceptibility to Scams Scale is a five-item self-report measure developed to investigate scam risk in older adults without dementia (James et al. 2014) and with mild cognitive impairment (Han et al. 2016). This scale was piloted with participants with ABI (n = 7) and their COs (n = 6) as part of a previous qualitative study (Gould et al. 2023a) to assess suitability within an ABI group due to its brevity and previous use within groups with cognitive impairment. Four adapted items were additionally piloted to reflect ABI specifically (e.g. ‘Persons with brain injuries or other disabilities are often targeted by con-artists’). Participants reported that six of nine items were complex and lengthy, and the seven-point Likert scale options were difficult to differentiate (e.g. between agree and slightly agree). A disparity between theoretically understanding scam warning signs and behaviourally enacting practical responses to scams was also identified. This dissonance between ‘knowing' and 'doing’ has been seen in other tasks for people with ABI (e.g. an executive dysfunction task (Jovanovski et al. 2012)) and suggests a need for a more ecologically valid assessment.
Recent findings from novel investigations of cyberscam experiences for people with ABI (Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b) suggest that cyberscam risk extends beyond financial decision-making for people with ABI, with a range of psychosocial, cognitive and behavioural risk factors reported. For example, participants reported spending excessive time online due to a lack of work and hobbies (Gould et al. 2023a). Deficits in decision-making, judgement and theory of mind were also perceived to impact the identification of scammers’ inauthentic intentions (Gould et al. 2023a). Therefore, other measures of financial risk within the general population (e.g. Financial Exploitation Vulnerability Scale (Lichtenberg et al. 2021) and Susceptibility to Persuasion Scale (Modic et al. 2018)) may lack appropriate scope. Although differences in cyberscam risk factors for those with and without ABI are not yet conclusive, different scam-type prevalence rates likely support this notion. Romance and dating scams are theorised to be the most common scam affecting people with ABI (Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b) and are likely underpinned by relationship breakdowns and reduced community participation, resulting in loneliness and a desire to seek social connection (Hawthorne et al. 2009). This pattern contrasts with financially-driven cyberscams, which make up the most common scam types in the general population and for those aged 65 years and older (e.g. investment scams, phishing, identity theft and threat-based scams) (ACCC 2023).
Taken together, this suggests that although existing scam measures that focus on risky financial decisions assess a proportion of risk factors relevant to people with ABI, important neuropsychological aspects of scam risk for people with ABI are not captured. To address this gap, we aimed to develop and pilot a new measure of vulnerability to cyberscams for people with ABI (‘The CyberABIlity Scale’) by considering existing measures, reviewing literature and developing new items based on ABI-specific scam research (Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b). The term ‘cyberability’ was coined by Gould and Brokenshire (2017), referring to perspectives of learning and adapting to new and emerging technologies (e.g. using the internet safely and responsibly).
Oftentimes, the systematic development of new measurement tools is not thoroughly and transparently reported on, risking ambiguity around the validity of tools and replicability (Flake and Fried 2020). Further focus must be placed on the way constructs are developed, particularly for new scales (Flake and Fried 2020), with their validity addressed via multiple studies that employ various methodologies systematically (Flake 2021). Pre-testing newly developed measures within a small sample of participants from the target population and those who have expertise in the field is a fundamental step in measure development (Boateng et al. 2018; Carpenter 2018), ensuring conceptualised items are meaningful and well-understood prior to larger-scale administration. Early qualitative input into scale development (e.g. through cognitive interviews) allows in-depth evaluation of the thought process of individuals completing the scale (Carpenter 2018), and this is particularly important for individuals with ABI who may have additional cognitive barriers to scale completion (Whiting et al. 2015; Miller et al. 2022). Unfortunately, a combined qualitative and quantitative approach to measure development is not commonly used or reported on, and a lack of in-depth qualitative pre-testing risks neglecting items that may stem from user and expert feedback as well as lived experiences (Carpenter 2018).
Therefore, this paper provides an in-depth report on the conceptualisation and development of The CyberABIlity Scale through systematic and structured feedback from clinicians and people with ABI. Specifically, this study aimed to:
Develop The CyberABIlity Scale based on consideration of existing cyberscam measures and generation of new items,
Evaluate the relevance of the scale to assess face and content validity,
Examine the accessibility of the scale to ensure instructions, items and rating scales are understandable to clinicians and people with ABI, and
Conduct initial item reduction.
Ethics approval was obtained from the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (Project #17984). This study was guided by best practice methods for measure development (Holmbeck and Devine 2009; Mokkink et al. 2010; Boateng et al. 2018; Carpenter 2018) and was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, items were generated by researchers with early input from people with ABI and their COs through the review of existing scales and the creation of new items. In the second phase, feedback from clinicians was obtained using the Delphi Method (Linstone and Turoff 2002): an iterative process that aims to reach expert consensus on constructs through a series of anonymous surveys. In the third phase, pre-testing with people with ABI was conducted using cognitive interviewing methods (think-alouds and verbal probing), and is presented in accordance with the Cognitive Interviewing Reporting Framework (Boeije and Willis 2013).
Phase one: initial scale development
Items were generated using a combination of deductive (e.g. review of relevant literature and existing scam measures) and inductive methods (research identifying domains of interest, e.g. Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b) (Hinkin 1995). Based on ABI and CO participant feedback on The Susceptibility to Scams Scale piloted as part of a previous qualitative study (Gould et al. 2023a), two items were revised and included. Mock scenarios (n = 10) for scam types identified as commonly impacting people with ABI were created as a practical and ecologically valid task based on real-life correspondences received from our research team and participants with ABI (Gould et al. 2023a). Additional items (n = 48) were created to address ABI-relevant scam risk factors from our recent qualitative interviews and survey findings (Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b). Collectively, items covered eight theorised risk factors: (1) past scam experience, (2) scam awareness, (3) understanding scam warning signs, (4) cognitive impairment, (5) trusting and generous personality, (6) availability of a trusted person, (7) meaningful engagement and (8) social isolation.
Phase two: clinician feedback
Twenty-two clinicians and service providers were invited to the study via email and were recruited from professional networks and an existing study database. An expression of interest form was sent to determine eligibility, whereby clinicians were eligible to participate if they were working with adults with ABI within Australasia, had at least 5 years’ clinical experience and had self-rated expertise in at least one of the following areas: assessment of people with ABI, intervention/rehabilitation of people with ABI, psychological scale development and impact of cyberscams on people with ABI (see Table 1). Expertise was defined as a self-rating of ≥7 for knowledge (10 being high). One individual declined due to time constraints and seven did not respond. All clinicians who expressed their interest (n = 14) were eligible for participation. The final panel comprised 14 clinicians, consistent with the recommended sample sizes in Delphi literature (Delbecq et al. 1975; Okoli and Pawlowski 2004; Trevelyan and Robinson 2015). As summarised in Table 2, clinician participants were mostly female (86%) aged 32−57 years (M = 44 years, s.d. = 7.1 years) and worked in a range of disciplines, settings and locations.
Expertise n (%) | Min | Max | Median (IQR) | ||
Experience working with adults with ABI (years) | 5 | 30 | 15 (10.8) | ||
Knowledge of assessment for people with ABI (self-rating out of 10) | 9 (64.3%) | 4 | 9 | 8 (1.8) | |
Knowledge of intervention/rehabilitation for people with ABI (self-rating out of 10) | 9 (64.3%) | 4 | 9 | 8 (2.0) | |
Knowledge of psychological scale development (self-rating out of 10) | 3 (21.4%) | 3 | 9 | 6 (2.0) | |
Knowledge of cyberscams and how they affect individuals with ABI (self-rating out of 10) | 5 (35.7%) | 5 | 9 | 7 (2.0) |
IQR, interquartile range.
n (%) | ||
Gender | ||
Man | 2 (14.3%) | |
Woman | 12 (85.7%) | |
Residing state | ||
Victoria | 9 (64.3%) | |
New South Wales | 2 (14.3%) | |
Queensland | 2 (14.3%) | |
South Australia | 1 (7.1%) | |
Highest level of education | ||
Graduate diploma/certificate | 1 (7.1%) | |
Bachelor’s degree | 3 (21.4%) | |
Master’s degree | 3 (21.4%) | |
Doctoral degree | 7 (50.0%) | |
Occupation | ||
Neuropsychologist | 4 (28.6%) | |
Occupational therapist | 3 (21.4%) | |
Speech pathologist | 3 (21.4%) | |
Recreational therapist | 1 (7.1%) | |
Clinical psychologist | 1 (7.1%) | |
Psychologist with endorsement in other area | 1 (7.1%) | |
Social worker | 1 (7.1%) | |
Settings working with adults with ABIA | ||
Solo private practice | 5 (35.7%) | |
Group private practice | 3 (21.4%) | |
Mental health centres | 1 (7.1%) | |
Client’s home | 6 (42.9%) | |
Residential facilities/nursing homes | 3 (21.4%) | |
Outpatient rehabilitation centre | 4 (28.6%) | |
Research setting | 4 (28.6%) | |
University training clinic | 1 (7.1%) | |
Community health centres | 1 (7.1%) | |
Schools and other educational/vocational facilities | 1 (7.1%) | |
Practicing locationsA | ||
Metro/urban | 12 (85.7%) | |
Rural/remote | 4 (28.6%) | |
Online (e.g. internet or telephone) | 10 (71.4%) |
Participant demographics were gathered via a questionnaire.
The pilot version of The CyberABIlity Scale comprised two parts. Part One entailed 50 statements regarding risky online thoughts and behaviours (e.g. ‘I think only fools are scammed’) and safe online thoughts and behaviours (e.g. ‘I stop and check it’s safe before I click on links’). Response options were on a five-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Part Two included examples of a scam (n = 8) and genuine correspondences (n = 2), for instance emails, text messages, online messages and phone transcripts. Respondents rated scenarios as real or a scam and their confidence in their rating on a five-point Likert scale (1 = very confident this is a scam, to 5 = very confident this is real).
Clinician feedback on The CyberABIlity Scale was collected using online surveys via Qualtrics ( Participants were asked to rate aspects of the pilot scale. For example, in the first Delphi round, participants rated the clarity of instructions and the Likert-scale format for Parts One and Two from 1 (very unclear/inappropriate) to 5 (very clear/appropriate). Participants also rated the clinical relevance (to assess content validity (Mokkink et al. 2010)) of each scale item from 1 (not at all clinically relevant) to 5 (very clinically relevant). Clinical relevance was defined as ‘the practical importance of an item. An item that is clinically relevant will have the ability to identify who’s at risk of cyberscams and provide ideas on how to address/manage such risk/s’. Participants provided qualitative feedback if they rated any area ≤3. Feedback was sought regarding additional risk factors that were important to include and the most appropriate timeframe for respondents to consider when rating statements. Participants also provided general feedback on the most appropriate number of items and their preferred scoring method (a cyber risk score and/or cyber safety score; total score or subscale scores). Online surveys were revised at each Delphi round based on scale revisions and clinician consensus.
Guided by other Delphi studies, it was decided a priori to conduct a maximum of three Delphi rounds (Boulkedid et al. 2011). If consensus was not obtained following round three, a modified Delphi approach (Fink et al. 1984) would be adopted, whereby clinicians would meet to discuss and reach a final consensus in real-time. Clinician participants were sent the online survey link via email and had 3 weeks to complete each survey. Using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation,, the frequency of responses at each Likert-scale level was summarised. The two highest (4 or 5) and two lowest (1 or 2) points on the Likert scale were grouped. Expert consensus was defined as 80% or more participants rating in a similar way. This was similar to other Delphi studies (Stanyon et al. 2017; Wong et al. 2019; Carrier et al. 2022) and consistent with a systematic review of Delphi literature identifying a median consensus threshold of 75% (Diamond et al. 2014). For items that did not reach consensus, qualitative feedback provided by participants was used to revise the scale. Revised items were included in a follow-up survey sent to participants 3 weeks later. A summary of response frequencies and de-identified qualitative feedback was sent to participants alongside the follow-up survey. Participants were asked to re-rate areas in consideration of de-identified group feedback. This procedure was repeated for round three, and further revisions were made. The Delphi process was concluded following round three as consensus was reached.
The instructions and response options for Parts One and Two of The CyberABIlity Scale did not reach 80% consensus regarding clarity and appropriateness (71.4–78.6%) and qualitative feedback recommended simplification. Regarding response options, clinicians indicated the need for clearer distinctions between points 1 and 2 (i.e. ‘Strongly Disagree’ and ‘Disagree’) and 4 and 5 (i.e. ‘Agree’ and ‘Strongly Agree’). Rating scales were therefore revised to a three-point Likert scale (e.g. ‘Don’t Agree’, ‘Somewhat Agree’, ‘Definitely Agree’). Formatting of the response options to include icons and colours was suggested to improve accessibility.
As summarised in Table 3, of the 50 total items in Part One of The CyberABIlity Scale (self-rated statements), 37 items obtained consensus (>80%) regarding clinical relevance, including 13 items obtaining 100% agreement. Of the 13 items that did not reach consensus, nine items were removed, as feedback indicated the relevance of items was unclear or items were too broad or complex. The remaining four items that did not reach consensus were revised based on feedback. For example, for the item ‘I jump into things without careful judgement’, feedback to simplify the language and make the item more online specific resulted in the revised item ‘I jump into things online without thinking’. One new item was added to the scale (‘I have loaned money to someone I met online’). Of the 10 total items in Part Two of The CyberABIlity Scale (scam scenarios), there was 100% agreement that items were clinically relevant.
Item | Round 1: clinical relevance consensus (%) | Round 1: response to feedbackA | Round 2: clinical relevance consensus (%) | Round 2: response to feedbackA | |
1. I have given money to a stranger online or over the phone | 92.9 | ||||
2. I have given my personal information (e.g. username, password, date of birth) to a stranger online or over the phone | 85.7 | ||||
3. I have been in an online romance scam | 100 | ||||
4. I have given my banking information to a stranger online or over the phone | 85.7 | ||||
5. I have been scammed online before | 100 | ||||
6. Someone else has told me that I’ve been scammed | 78.6 | Revised for Delphi 2: Others have told me I’ve been scammed | 92.3 | ||
7. I think only fools are scammed | 85.7 | ||||
8. I know where to find information about staying safe online | 78.6 | Revised for Delphi 2: I look for information about using the internet safely | 61.5 | Item removed | |
9. I think online dating is safe | 92.9 | ||||
10. The internet is a pretty safe place | 92.9 | ||||
11. There are dangers to being online | 85.7 | Rephrased: There are dangers to using the internet. | |||
12. I believe anyone can be scammed | 92.9 | ||||
13. Because of my age, background or condition, I am at higher risk of being scammed (Please specify your condition) | 64.3 | Item removed | |||
14. People with brain injury/other thinking problems are at higher risk of being scammed | 78.6 | Item removed | |||
15. I have a good understanding of what cyberscams are | 100 | ||||
16. It’s possible to be scammed several times | 71.5 | Item removed | |||
17. People may not be who they say they are online | 92.9 | ||||
18. I try to use strong privacy settings online | 85.7 | ||||
19. I’m interested in learning more about how to stay safe online | 92.9 | ||||
20. I’m careful when I share personal information online | 92.9 | ||||
21. I’m suspicious of businesses calling me unexpectedly | 92.9 | ||||
22. It’s unusual to be asked to pay for a bill with a gift voucher | 85.7 | ||||
23. It’s normal for someone I’m talking to online to not have a bank account | 78.6 | Item removed | |||
24. I go with my gut feeling when I think something online is not quite right | 71.4 | Item removed | |||
25. I find it difficult to remember new information I have learnt about online safety | 78.6 | Item removed | |||
26. I might think something is a scam, but I still go along with it anyway | 78.6 | Revised for Delphi 2: I might think something is a scam but I keep going | 84.6 | Rephrased: I might think something is a scam but I keep going with it anyway. | |
27. If I think something is a scam, I stop being involved | 78.6 | Item removed | |||
28. If something sounds too good to be true, it’s probably not true | 78.6 | Item removed | |||
29. I often seek new, exciting experiences | 71.4 | Item removed | |||
30. I stop and check it’s safe before I click on links | 92.9 | ||||
31. I click on links and emails without thinking | 92.9 | ||||
32. I jump into things without careful judgement | 78.6 | Revised for Delphi 2: I jump into things online without thinking | 76.9 | Item removed | |
33. I have quite a trusting personality | 100 | Rephrased: I trust people easily | |||
34. I am suspicious of strangers online | 92.9 | ||||
35. I find it hard to say no to a stranger when they ask for my help | 100 | ||||
36. If I make a mistake online, I’m usually too embarrassed to tell anyone about it | 100 | ||||
37. If something doesn’t look right, I check with someone first | 85.7 | Rephrased: If something doesn’t look right online, I check with someone first | |||
38. I have someone I trust to ask for help with online safety | 100 | ||||
39. I feel comfortable asking someone for help to check if something is safe online | 92.9 | ||||
40. I spend a lot of time online | 92.9 | ||||
41. I have close friends who I talk to and see in person on a regular basis | 78.6 | Item removed | |||
42. I don’t have many close friends who I regularly talk to or see in person | 92.9 | ||||
43. I have hobbies, special interests or belong to a club | 92.9 | ||||
44. My night times are usually spent online | 100 | ||||
45. I feel lonely | 100 | Rephrased: I often feel lonely | |||
46. I use online dating sites | 100 | Rephrased: I regularly use online dating sites | |||
47. I enjoy chatting to strangers online | 100 | ||||
48. I actively look for strangers to chat to online | 92.9 | ||||
49. I often use online dating sites to look for relationships | 100 | Rephrased: I use online dating sites to look for relationships | |||
50. Most of my friends are online friends who I haven’t met in real life | 100 | ||||
New item: I have loaned money to someone I met online | 100 |
Consensus was not reached regarding the most appropriate timeframe for scale respondents to consider. Clinicians variously indicated preferences for 1 week (21.4%; providing feedback that this was most sensitive to change), 1 month (57.1%; as this was recent enough to support recall whilst allowing for normal variations in time spent online), 3 months (14.3%; reporting some clients to be infrequently online) and no timeframe (7.1%; with feedback that a timeframe added unnecessary complexity).
Thirteen of the original 14 clinician participants (92.6%) completed round two. In the second Delphi survey, clinicians were asked to re-rate revised instructions and rating scales, five items from Part One (four revised and one new item), and the scale timeframe.
Although the instructions for past scam experience items did not reach consensus regarding clarity (76.9%), the new response options were deemed appropriate (92.3%). Neither the instructions nor the response options for the remainder of Part One (scam risk factors) obtained consensus (69.2% each). Both the instructions and response options for Part Two (mock scam scenarios) reached consensus (100% and 92.3% respectively). Qualitative feedback indicated the low ratings were due to concerns regarding the comprehension abilities of people with ABI completing the scale. The next phase of the study was to directly assess comprehension with people with ABI. Therefore, language was simplified but clinicians were not asked to provide further feedback on these revisions.
As summarised in Table 3, of the five new items proposed in round two, three reached consensus (84.6–100%). The two new items that did not reach consensus were removed from the scale based on qualitative feedback indicating a lack of relevance.
As per round one, consensus was still not met regarding the most appropriate timeframe for scale respondents to consider, with clinicians indicating a preference for 1 month (76.9%), 3 months (15.4%) and no timeframe (7.7%). Similar to round one, clinicians who preferred a 1-month timeframe provided feedback that this timeframe balanced sensitivity to change (due to variations in time spent online) whilst being recent enough to support recall of events. Clinicians endorsing the 3-month timeframe felt 1-month may miss important identifying information should their client infrequently engage in online behaviour.
Twelve of the original 14 clinician participants completed round three (85.7%). In the third Delphi survey, clinicians were asked to re-rate their preferred timeframe for survey responders to consider. Consensus was reached, with 100% of clinicians indicating a preference for a 1-month timeframe, suggesting this was likely the most appropriate timeframe balancing recency of events with variability in online activities.
Additional feedback was sought from clinicians regarding scale formatting, length and scoring preferences. Consensus was not sought in these areas as they captured preferences only. Twelve participants requested a digitised scale option. Most clinicians indicated a preference for Part One of the scale to be 10–20 items (84.6%), and Part Two to be 5–8 items (61.5%). Regarding scoring, most clinicians indicated a preference for a separate score for Parts One and Two of the scale (92.9%). Within this, clinicians disagreed regarding their preference for scores to be framed as a cyber safety score (i.e. higher scores indicating higher safety; 7.7%), cyber risk score (i.e. higher scores indicating higher risk; 23.1%) or both a cyber safety and risk score (61.4%). Final decisions regarding scale length and scoring will be guided by future stages of scale development, and the majority clinician preference will be considered.
Phase three: ABI participant feedback
Eight participants with ABI were recruited via an existing project database (n = 5), an ABI support organisation (n = 1) and referrals from clinicians (n = 2). Participants with ABI were eligible if they were aged ≥18, living within Australia, had a non-degenerative ABI (any time post-injury) and were fluent in English. As summarised in Table 4, participants with ABI were five men and three women, between 25 and 65 years of age (M = 44, s.d. = 14.30) who had sustained a moderate to severe ABI of various causes 3–39 years prior (M = 13.75, s.d. = 12.50). The sample size was consistent with cognitive interviewing recommendations of 5–15 interviews (Beatty and Willis 2007) and aimed to capture a range of scam experiences (participants who had and had not experienced cyberscams). All participants provided either written or audio-recorded informed consent.
n (%) | M | s.d. | Range | ||
Age at interview (years) | 44 | 14.30 | 25−65 | ||
Gender | |||||
Man | 5 (62.5%) | ||||
Woman | 3 (37.5%) | ||||
Residing state | |||||
Victoria | 8 (100.0%) | ||||
Living situation | |||||
Living alone | 2 (25.0%) | ||||
Living with spouse/family | 5 (62.5%) | ||||
Share house | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Highest level of education | |||||
Year 9 | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Year 11 | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Completed high school | 2 (25.0%) | ||||
Graduate diploma/certificate | 3 (37.5%) | ||||
Bachelor’s degree | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Years of formal education | 15.13 | 3.44 | 10–19 | ||
Cause of ABI | |||||
Hypoxic brain injury | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
TBI – motor vehicle accident | 3 (37.5%) | ||||
TBI – fall | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Illness | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Substance-related | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Unknown | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Estimated Injury severity | |||||
Moderate | 3 (37.5%) | ||||
Severe | 5 (62.5%) | ||||
Years since injury | 13.75 | 12.50 | 3–39 | ||
Current funding | |||||
NDIS | 5 (62.5%) | ||||
TAC | 3 (37.5%) | ||||
Scam experience by type | |||||
No scam experience | 2 (25.0%) | ||||
Near-scam experience | 1 (12.5%) | ||||
Dating/romance scam | 3 (37.5%) | ||||
Remote access scam | 4 (50.0%) | ||||
Sexual extortion | 1 (12.5%) |
ABI, acquired brain injury; TBI, traumatic brain injury; NDIS, National Disability Insurance Scheme; TAC, Transport Accident Commission.
Participant demographics were gathered via a questionnaire.
A semi-structured interview schedule was developed to guide cognitive interviews with people with ABI. Participants were instructed to verbalise their thought process aloud whilst completing The CyberABIlity Scale and were given general prompts as required (e.g. ‘Can you tell me why you chose that answer?’). Probing questions (see Supplementary Appendix A) were generated and used where further detail was required. Probing questions were developed based on Tourangeau’s et al. (2000) four-stage model describing cognitive processes of responding: (1) comprehension (assessing accurate understanding and comprehension of items), (2) retrieval (participants’ ability to recall information as relevant to the item), (3) decision (participants deciding on a response with appropriate mental effort) and (4) response (participants’ understanding of the rating scale and ability to map their decision onto the provided responses). Participants were also asked to provide general feedback on the scale, including assessing face validity (e.g. ‘What do you think this survey is measuring?’), overall feedback (e.g. likes and dislikes of the scale, opinion on the scale length) and their experience in completing the scale (e.g. whether items triggered discomfort).
Cognitive interviews were conducted between March and May 2022 and were between 50 and 72 minutes in duration (M = 57.63 min). Participants took part in one individually conducted interview. The interviewer (JC) was a doctoral student in clinical neuropsychology who was trained in interviewing. Interviews were conducted via videoconference, audio recorded and externally transcribed (n = 5) or transcribed by JC (n = 3). Identifying information was removed from transcripts. The interviewer maintained a reflective journal with interview observations.
Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, was used to summarise the descriptive statistics for participant demographics. Interview transcripts were managed using NVivo (ver. 12.5.0, QSR International, whereby participant responses were summarised descriptively to capture the performance for each of the four stages of Tourangeau’s et al. (2000) model. For example, comprehension errors or difficulty choosing a response option were identified and grouped based on common meaning. Five of the total eight interviews were first completed, and identified errors were discussed between all authors with relevant revisions made to the scale. The remaining three of the total eight interviews were then conducted, and again, revisions were made. The study ceased following a total of eight interviews as no new feedback was reported by participants.
In the first round of cognitive interviews (n = 5), seven comprehension errors, one retrieval error and four response errors were identified. Table 5 summarises identified errors and resulting revisions to the scale and includes representative participant quotes. Comprehension difficulties related to terms such as ‘bill’, ‘online dating site’ and ‘online romance scam’. There was some confusion regarding whether a near-scam experience was classified as being scammed and whether smartphone applications were classified as online or over-the-phone activities. Participants were sometimes unsure whether to consider their answers specific to online or face-to-face interactions.
Error/difficulty description | Example from participant interview | Reported by | Response to feedback | |
Comprehension errors | ||||
Interpreted ‘bill’ as any required payment, rather than an invoice as intended. | ‘Unless it’s from that shop that you buy it with then maybe you can use that [gift voucher] to cheapen the price a bit.’ P3 | P1, P3 | Added specific examples to item: ‘It’s unusual to be asked to pay for a bill (e.g. internet, electricity, taxes) with a gift voucher’ | |
Confusion regarding whether a social networking site (e.g. Facebook) used with the intention of dating was classified as an online dating site. | ‘I suppose I’d have to agree with that ‘cause I’m on one on Facebook so, but not online dating sites anymore.’ P5 | P5 | Revised wording to capture social networking site use with the intention of dating: ‘I use online sites for dating or social connection’ | |
Required clarification that ‘others’ referred to ‘other people’. Did not consider family members as part of ‘others’. | Item: … Others have told me I’ve been scammed. | P1, P3 | Added specific examples to item: ‘Other people (e.g. family members, friends, therapists, the bank, Police)’ | |
P3: ‘No’. | ||||
Interviewer: ‘Has someone in your family told you that you’ve been scammed?’ | ||||
P3: ‘Mum, yes.’ | ||||
Considered a near-scam experience as a scam. | Item: I have been in an online romance. | P5 | Item revised to measure a more specific behaviour: ‘I have formed a connection with someone in a romance or friendship scam’. | |
P5: ‘Someone’s tried it, but I didn’t fall for it’. | ||||
Interviewer: ‘What answer best represents your experience?’ | ||||
P5: ‘Well, I guess I have been.’ | ||||
Considered smartphone usage as ‘over-the-phone’ rather than ‘online’. | ‘It’s on the phone but I guess – how do you class it? I’m on the sites and often we come off the…dating site, and then we go on the social media site, like WhatsApp.’ P1 | P1, P5 | Wording of multiple items revised to include ‘online or over the phone’. | |
Unsure whether to interpret items as specific to online or face-to-face behaviours. | Item: I trust people easily. | P3, P4, P5 | Revised wording of relevant items to capture behaviours broadly (both online and face-to-face): e.g. ‘I trust people easily in everyday life’ | |
P4: ‘Online I don’t, but in personal face-to-face I somewhat agree, but disagree online.’ | ||||
Confusion regarding whether a platonic relationship (involving sending money) was considered an online romance scam. | P2 | Wording revised (‘…romance or friendship scam') to capture both relationship types. | ||
‘Privacy settings’ | Item: I try to use strong privacy settings on online accounts like social media or banking. | P6 | Item revised to include examples of privacy settings (…‘e.g. using strong and different passwords for each account, making social networking accounts private, 2-factor authentication…’) | |
Misinterpreted privacy settings (adding extra security features to accounts) as safe behaviours or being careful online (e.g. not handing out passwords). | P6: ‘Often…I just never hand out my details to anyone…’ | |||
‘Connection’ | In item ‘I have formed a connection with someone in a romance or friendship scam’, connection was viewed as a practical connection (i.e. being contacted) rather than an emotional connection as intended. | P7 | Item revised to more specifically address emotional connection (‘I have formed an emotional connection with someone in a romance or friendship scam’). | |
Retrieval process difficulty | ||||
Answering outside of the 1-month timeframe | Item: I might think something is a scam, but I keep going with it anyway. | P2, P4, P5 | Instructions emphasised and repeated more frequently to remind respondents of the timeframe. | |
P5: ‘Oh, I agree, like I’ve done that before.’ | ||||
Interviewer: ‘Has that happened to you within the last month…?’ | ||||
P5: ‘Not the last month.’ | ||||
Response process difficulty | ||||
Difficulty understanding rating scale for ‘past scam experience’ items | ‘I probably gotta read it over quite a few times, one, yes in the last month and two, yes at any time.’ P1 | P1, P2, P3 | Rating scale simplified. | |
Answering inversely | Item: If something doesn’t look online, I check with someone first. | P1, P4 | A new rating scale was made for behavioural items (never – sometimes – often) to address difficulty in rating agreement to behaviours. | |
P1: ‘No, I definitely never do that, so I definitely agree.’ | ||||
Unsure how to respond to an item as it was not personally relevant. | Item: I try to use strong privacy settings on online accounts like social media or banking. | P1, P3, P4 | Instructions revised to encourage respondents to choose the nearest response (‘If you are not sure of your answer, choose the closest response.’) | |
P3: ‘I don’t have social media…for banking, I’m not too sure ‘cause I don’t control my own account.’ | ||||
Responding to mock scam scenarios as relevant to their own, personal experience only | ‘If I got that [text], it would be definitely [a scam] ‘cause I don’t lodge tax returns.’ P4 | P2, P4, P5 | Participants were able to answer an item appropriately when encouraged to consider the scenario hypothetically. | |
Frequently responding with the middle Likert option when unsure. | ‘I’ve sat in the middle on a bunch of ones which I would then go and figure it out’ P8 | P8 | Participants benefitted from encouragement to choose the closest response when unsure. |
Overall, participants were able to appropriately recall information from the past month as relevant to scale items and provide examples of thoughts/behaviours leading to their response. Some participants answered outside of the 1-month timeframe on several items; however, after reminders, this difficulty was no longer observed. Several participants recalled further scam experiences throughout the scale completion that were not recalled at the interview outset; however, in all instances, this only provided further evidence of prior scam experience and did not change ratings of previously completed items.
Participants occasionally displayed difficulty understanding the response options; however, this was resolved with further explanation. Some participants answered items in an inverse manner (e.g. endorsing the behaviour but responding with ‘disagree’) but appropriately self-corrected their response with further time or after prompting. Participants deemed several items not personally relevant and therefore displayed difficulty answering these items. Participants understood scale instructions and had no difficulty completing scam scenario items. Participants were able to appropriately identify and explain potential warning signs for each mock scam scenario (e.g. P1: ‘Anything to do with Bitcoin…is like a red flag straight away’). Participants were able to map their responses onto the Likert scale appropriately and differentiate responses between, for example, ‘Somewhat Agree’ and ‘Definitely Agree’.
The remaining three of eight participants were interviewed in round two. Three comprehension errors and one response error were identified. As summarised in Table 5, comprehension errors affected terms such as ‘online’, ‘privacy settings’ and ‘connection’. Participants six and seven did not display any difficulty mapping their responses onto the three-point Likert scale and provided positive feedback regarding the response options: ‘Choice of three was…really good because it was a yes, no, or maybe, whereas a lot of surveys are a choice of five and you sometimes get stuck between three and four’ (P7). Although participant eight was able to appropriately respond to all items, he reflected that three Likert-response choices were potentially too limiting to the way he would have preferred to answer items: ‘I would tend to answer things in a slightly more granular style than the three answers’ (P8). No other challenges were reported or observed; participants understood scale instructions, responded appropriately within the 1-month timeframe and interpreted items as intended.
All participants with ABI were able to explain in their own words what the scale intended to measure, confirming face validity: ‘For me, it’s like, do I understand what a scam is, and am I vulnerable to them?’ (P1). Participants were forthcoming in answering questions and reportedly experienced only mild discomfort for some items (e.g. ‘I feel lonely’). All participants were nonetheless agreeable to answer all items. Based on qualitative observations recorded in the interviewer’s journal, participants were observed to put in sufficient effort in answering scale items and did not appear to answer in a socially desirable manner. This was indicated by participants sharing personal and sensitive explanations of their responses.
Three participants had a preference to complete the scale digitally, three by paper and pen, and two participants had no preference. Two participants noted that they would like support from their carers when completing the scale. Six participants reflected that the current length of the scale was appropriate, and two participants recommended shortening the scale but were not able to suggest any specific number of items or preferred amount of time required to complete the scale.
This study described the conceptualisation and development of a novel and tailored measure of cyberscam vulnerability, The CyberABIlity Scale, with feedback from clinicians and people with ABI. Through five rounds of item development and scale feedback, revisions were made to the scale to improve accessibility and clinical relevance. Overall, participants supported the face and content validity of The CyberABIlity Scale, and participants with ABI showed evidence of appropriate scale completion across the four stages of Tourangeau’s et al. (2000) model of cognitive processes of survey responding.
Using a combined approach of feedback from clinicians and participants with ABI to pre-test The CyberABIlity Scale is in keeping with recommended measure development processes (Mokkink et al. 2010; Boateng et al. 2018; Carpenter 2018). Particularly for ‘cyberability’, a newly conceptualised latent variable, scale development must be conducted through multiple studies and using various qualitative and quantitative methods of assessing validity (Flake 2021). Throughout this paper, we reported on the detailed process of developing a new measure through a combination of deductive and inductive approaches. Importantly, ensuring scale instructions, items and Likert-scale response options are clear for clinicians and people with ABI assists in the minimisation of measurement error that can occur due to misinterpreted items, leading questions or vague response choices (Carpenter 2018), particularly in the context of cognitive impairment that may impact scale completion for people with ABI (Whiting et al. 2015; Miller et al. 2022). Pre-testing The CyberABIlity Scale with a small sample of participants proved to be highly beneficial in ensuring items were meaningful and well-understood prior to larger-scale administration. This initial qualitative evidence of validation enables psychometric evaluation, which is currently underway.
The feedback provided in the current study was consistent with a recent cognitive interview study by Miller et al. (2022) regarding valued living, in which participants with ABI also had difficulty orientating to the timeframe specified in the scale instructions and rating items deemed personally irrelevant. Potentially, some people with ABI may require additional support in completing scales even if it has been designed and adapted to accommodate cognitive impairments (Miller et al. 2022). Although The CyberABIlity Scale has been developed for use within an ABI population, the accessibility of items and relevance to cognitive impairment may suggest suitability for other populations, for example various forms of dementia or neurodevelopmental conditions. Given the novelty of research on cyberscams and ABI, we have focussed first on non-degenerative ABI and encourage ongoing validation in other high-risk groups, as well as expansion to the general population using a universal design approach.
Development of The CyberABIlity Scale addresses the lack of existing measures assessing theorised unique risk factors to cyberscams for people with ABI in an accessible format. Whether these factors are unique to people with ABI or present similarly in other vulnerable groups or the general population, will be able to be explored once this measure is psychometrically validated.
The response patterns of participants underscore the need for this measure; several participants with ABI in the current study recalled further scam experiences throughout scale completion that were not recalled at the interview outset. This suggests that directly asking someone with ABI if they have been scammed online might be unreliable due to factors such as poor free recall or lack of insight. Individuals with ABI typically display less difficulty in memory retrieval when provided with cues (i.e. recognition memory) as it relies less on strategies for information organisation and retrieval (Vakil et al. 2019). Potentially, scale items acted as a cue for recalling specific aspects of online behaviour and scam experiences.
In terms of feasibility, this measure was acceptable to participants with ABI who did not experience any discomfort or distress. The CyberABIlity Scale may provide a means to explore scam vulnerability in a non-confronting manner, mitigating the psychological distress and shame reported to be associated with discussing scam experiences (Gould et al. 2023a).
Limitations and future directions
Clinician participants involved in the Delphi method phase of this study were invited based on their known occupation and expertise within the ABI sector and were predominantly female (85.7%). Eleven clinician participants had been involved in previous aspects of the wider research program, and the remaining three clinician participants were known to the researchers based on their expertise. Clinician participants were all based in Australia. The clinician sample may have therefore been biased, for example by being familiar with types of scams that are common in Australia or have been addressed in our previous cyberscam research.
The appropriateness of The CyberABIlity Scale for populations outside of English-speaking Australians cannot be assumed from this study alone. Although there is limited research on cultural and geographical differences between cyberscams, there is some indication that cyberscam risk is perhaps different between groups. For example, within Australia, culturally and linguistically diverse communities were over-represented in reports of certain scam types (e.g. threats to life arrest or other; ACCC 2023). The reasons for this are unknown but may reflect different cross-cultural risk factors, for example, documented cultural differences in internet use (Li and Kirkup 2007; Laconi et al. 2018)
The sample of participants with ABI in the current study aimed to include participants with and without scam experience, as it was important to capture the perspectives of persons who may not personally relate to scale items. However, most of the sample had prior scam experience. At recruitment, one participant with ABI disclosed no prior scam experience; however, during the cognitive interview, recalled being scammed. Likely, persons with ABI who had previously been victims of cyberscams were more inclined to volunteer for our cyberscam research and this probably underpinned the very high scam frequency reported. Although the scale may be limited in its generalisability to people with ABI without scam experiences, further validation work that is currently underway will allow for psychometric evaluation of the scale in a larger sample of people with ABI who have and have not been scammed.
The need for developing The CyberABIlity Scale was based on previous qualitative and survey research (Gould et al. 2023a, 2023b). Although we acknowledge the importance of anecdotal and living experience findings, we further acknowledge the lack of objective research on cyberscams and ABI as a basis for developing this measure. Purported risk factors do remain theoretical, and although there are likely potential differences in scam profiles for those with ABI compared with the general public and/or other high-risk groups, whether this reflects different types of vulnerabilities or similar vulnerabilities to a different degree remains unclear and requires exploration. An initial way of measuring ‘cyberability’ must be developed before it can be studied empirically, and developing The CyberABIlity Scale to address risk factors beyond financial vulnerability will allow for such investigation. A valid measure will also enable future evidence-based cyberscam interventions to be quantitively evaluated.
This study outlined the development and validation of a novel and tailored measure of cyberscam vulnerability, The CyberABIlity Scale. We highlight the importance of transparent reporting of systematic and in-depth measure development approaches, particularly when developing new measures of latent constructs to demonstrate early validity. Expert feedback from clinicians and participants with ABI revealed comprehension errors and opportunities for scale simplification, scale reduction, the addition of new items and a revised Likert-scale format. Overall, the face and content validities of the resultant scale were verified, and feedback was provided to assist in the further development and distribution of the scale, enabling psychometric validation to proceed. Once finalised, The CyberABIlity Scale has the potential to be an effective screening measure of online risk for persons with ABI, and in the future, other cohorts. This study advances our ability to close a significant societal and research gap in understanding and reducing cybercrime for vulnerable populations.
Data availability
The data that support this study cannot be publicly shared due to ethical or privacy reasons and may be shared upon reasonable request to the corresponding author if appropriate.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors report no conflicts of interest and do not financially profit from the publication of The CyberABIlity Scale.
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the generosity, time and effort of all participants involved.
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