Views of speech pathology educators on a learning resource for cognitive-communication disorders: a user survey of TBIBank Grand Rounds
Elise Bogart

Cognitive-communication disorders are highly prevalent after traumatic brain injury and have significant impacts on rehabilitation outcomes. TBIBank Grand Rounds was developed as an online multimedia resource to support clinical education about cognitive-communication disorders. The objective of this study was to survey speech pathology educators to establish their views towards TBIBank Grand Rounds.
An online survey with 37 items was distributed internationally to obtain a cross-section of international educators. The survey consisted of five sections covering (1) participant details; (2) awareness, interest, and use; (3) interface design and delivery; (4) content; and (5) overall impressions. The question formats included yes/no questions, multiple choice options, rating scales, and free text questions. Survey responses were analysed descriptively, with free text supporting interpretation.
Twenty-five participants completed the online survey. Overall, most users agreed that the design and content of TBIBank Grand Rounds met their needs for supporting education about cognitive-communication disorders. The survey identified high interest but limited prior awareness of the resource. Survey respondents identified useful directions for updates, future enhancements, and dissemination of TBIBank Grand Rounds.
Incorporating feedback from educators has identified priorities for future enhancements, such as improving cultural diversity. High interest and positive feedback indicate that the TBIBank Grand Rounds is a valuable resource for education about cognitive-communication disorders. However, limited awareness internationally suggests the need for improved dissemination. Enhancing speech pathologists’ knowledge about cognitive-communication disorders after TBI may lead to improved clinical care and outcomes.
Keywords: assessment, cognition, cognitive-communication, education, evidence-based practice, language, speech pathology, survey, teaching, traumatic brain injury, treatment.
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