Adapting TeachABI to the local needs of Australian educators – a critical step for successful implementation
Marnie Drake

The present study is the foundational project of TeachABI-Australia, which aims to develop and implement an accessible, nation-wide digital resource for educators to address their unmet acquired brain injury (ABI)-related professional learning needs. The aim of the present study was to identify the adaptations required to improve the suitability and acceptability of the TeachABI professional development module within the Australian education system from the perspectives of Australian educators.
The research design employed an integrated knowledge translation approach and followed the ADAPT Guidance for undertaking adaptability research. A purposive sample of eight educators eligible to teach primary school in Australia provided feedback on the module through a quantitative post-module feedback questionnaire and a qualitative semi-structured interview.
Participants rated the acceptability of the module as ‘Completely Acceptable’ (Mdn = 5, IQR = 1), and reported ‘only Minor’ changes were required (Mdn = 2, IQR = 0.25) to improve the suitability to the Australian context. Qualitative analysis of transcripts revealed three broad categories: (1) the usefulness of TeachABI, (2) the local fit of TeachABI, and (3) pathways for implementing TeachABI in the local setting. Recommended adaptations to the module collated from participant feedback included changes to language, expansion of content, and inclusion of Australian resources, legislation, and videos.
TeachABI is acceptable to Australian educators but requires modifications to tailor the resource to align with the unique schooling systems, needs, and culture of the local setting. The systematic methodological approach to adaptation outlined in this study will serve as a guide for future international iterations of TeachABI.
Keywords: acceptability testing, acquired brain injury, adaptability testing, adaptation, Australia, educators, implementation science, knowledge translation, online resources, paediatric, professional development.
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