Comparing cognitive fatigue after school and weekend days for children with TBI vs TD
Jessica Riccardi

The primary aim of this study was to compare subjective parent- and self-reports of cognitive fatigue across daily activities (i.e. school and weekend days) between children with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and typically developing (TD) children who were 8–14 years old.
The primary aim was addressed through the completion of an online set of surveys. Cognitive fatigue was assessed after two daily activities (i.e. school vs weekend day) through parent and child report using the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Multidimensional Fatigue Scale. Survey participants (N = 30) were 8–14 years old and included 15 children with TBI and 15 TD children. Participants with TBI were, on average, 4.69 years old at the time of their injury and 5.37 years post-injury at the time of study participation.
Participants in the TBI group were self- and parent-rated to have significantly greater levels of cognitive fatigue compared to TD participants. Yet, both types of days evoked similar levels of cognitive fatigue for both groups.
The preliminary findings of this study show the chronic nature of cognitive fatigue after childhood TBI and can be used to improve supports, services, and outcomes for individuals with childhood TBI.
Keywords: academic, activity, brain injury, child, cognition, fatigue, school, social, weekend.
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