A formalised process for decannulation reduced number of days with tracheostomy for people with an acquired brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Deborah Mylne

There is a high incidence of tracheostomy tube placement in patients with acquired brain injury. Due to complex sensory, motor and cognitive presentations, these patients often require long-term tracheostomy tubes, which can result in secondary complications. There is broad variability in tracheostomy management and decannulation decision-making in the literature, with an absence of evidence-based guidelines. The aim of this study was to identify if using a formalised process for decannulation reduced the number of days with tracheostomy for people with an acquired brain injury.
A systematic review of the literature available through MEDLINE, Embase and CINAHL was conducted on 8 August 2022. Studies were eligible if they compared a formalised process for decannulation to usual care reporting outcome measures for total number of days with a tracheostomy. Eligible studies were assessed using the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool (RoB 2). Meta-analysis for primary outcome was completed using a random-effects model.
Five studies met the inclusion criteria, with a total number of 375 participants. Meta-analysis showed that the total number of days with tracheostomy decreased when a formalised process for decannulation was introduced (mean difference −10.66 days, 95% confidence interval [−20.52, −0.81], P = 0.03). All articles were rated high risk of bias as per the RoB 2.
There is evidence that using a formalised process for decannulation reduced the number of days with tracheostomy for people with an acquired brain injury. More rigorous research is required.
PROSPERO, registration number CRD42021252053
Keywords: acquired brain injury, decannulation, meta-analysis, systematic review, tracheostomy.
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