Healthcare Infection
Volume 17 Number 1 2012
Hand Hygiene
HI12003 Evaluating the economics of the Australian National Hand Hygiene Initiative
Nicholas Graves, Adrian Barnett, Katherine White, Nerina Jimmieson, Katie Page, Megan Campbell, Elizabeth Stevens, Rebecca Rashleigh-Rolls, Lindsay Grayson and David Paterson
pp. 5-10
HI11030 Auditing hand hygiene rates for quality and improvement
Deborough Macbeth and Cathryn Murphy
pp. 13-17
HI11032Nurses' uniforms: off the radar. A review of guidelines and laundering practices
Cindy Halliwell
pp. 18-24
HI12001 Barriers and enablers to the uptake of alcohol-based hand rubs for pre-operative hand antisepsis in the operating room: an Australian perspective
Tracy Sloane, Ramon Z. Shaban and Brigid Gillespie
pp. 25-32
HI12002 Implementing hand hygiene strategies in the operating suite
Elizabeth Reika Bellaard-Smith and Elizabeth E. Gillespie
pp. 33-37