Healthcare Infection
Volume 14 Number 3 2009
HI09010Economic rationale for infection control in Australian hospitals
Nicholas Graves, Kate Halton, David Paterson and Michael Whitby
pp. 81-88
HI09011Comparison of the BD GeneOhm MRSA assay, broth enrichment culture and chromID MRSA for detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from inter-hospital intensive care transfer patients
Sharon Kleinschmidt, Christopher Lidstone, Belinda Henderson and Joan Faoagali
pp. 89-93
HI09012Blood culture contamination in a district general hospital in the UK: a 1-year study
Nadeem Sajjad Raja, David Parratt and Marilyn Meyers
pp. 95-100
HI09113Validation of surgical site infection surveillance in Perth, Western Australia
Leigh S. Goggin, Helen van Gessel, Rebecca L. McCann, Allison M. Peterson and Paul G. Van Buynder
pp. 101-107
HI09912Reducing harm to patients from health care associated infection: the role of surveillance. Chapter 3: Surgical site infection – an abridged version
Marilyn Cruickshank, John Ferguson and Ann Bull
pp. 109-114
HI09912 Abstract | HI09912 Full Text | HI09912PDF (74 KB) Open Access Article
HI09105Clostridium difficile infection: an update for infection control practitioners
Helen Van Gessel, Thomas Riley and Alistair McGregor
pp. 115-118
HI09106Meeting national recommendations for surgical site infection surveillance: examples and lessons from the Victorian Healthcare-associated Infection Surveillance System
Leon J. Worth, Ann L. Bull, Sue M. Thorpe and Michael J. Richards
pp. 119-122