Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 26 Number 1 2015
HEv26n1_EDNew international review supports community water fluoridation as an effective and safe dental health promotion measure
HE14069‘The secret shame’: a content analysis of online news reporting of a celebrity admitting smoking while pregnant
This study examined themes in online news coverage of Australian celebrity Chrissie Swan smoking during pregnancy. A celebrity smoking while pregnant was the most common theme. Health content that supports pregnant women to quit smoking was lacking. Health promotion strategies are needed that promote positive quit messages and strategies that assist pregnant women to quit smoking.
HE14069 Abstract | HE14069 Full Text | HE14069PDF (115 KB) Open Access Article
HE14030A qualitative study of smoking within a Western Sydney Arabic-speaking community: a focus on men in the context of their families
Smoking rates are high among Arabic-speaking populations, particularly men. Data from six focus groups suggested that smoking was considered normal in home, community and religious settings. It created conflict within families and quit attempts were often made alone. This study highlights the need to include families and community leaders in quit-smoking programs.
HE14066Evaluation of the pilot phase of the ‘Give up smokes for good’ social marketing campaign
Smoking rates among Aboriginal people are high, demonstrating the need for Aboriginal-specific anti-tobacco social marketing campaigns. An Aboriginal-specific poster and radio campaign was piloted and achieved high levels of campaign awareness and cultural appropriateness. High quality, culturally targeted anti-tobacco poster and radio campaigns can be effective in encouraging behaviour change among Aboriginal Australians.
HE14054Using rap music to promote adolescent health: pilot study of VoxBox
Innovative health promotion strategies are needed to address alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATODs) usage among adolescents. This paper reports the process evaluation of VoxBox as a novel intervention that successfully used rap to engage adolescents in discussion about risks associated with ATODs use. The findings highlight the importance of interventions matching the interests of the targeted population group.
HE14055Love Bugs: promoting sexual health among young people in Samoa
Young people in Samoa experience high rates of sexually transmitted infections and alienation from sexual health services. This paper outlines a health promotion initiative that addressed sexual health for young people in Samoa through education, personal skill development and the implementation of free condom dispensers at the national university campus.
HE14049Employee factors associated with interest in improving sun protection in an Australian mining workforce
To minimise the risk of Australian employees developing skin cancer, health promoters need to identify indicators of employee preferences for sun protection. Many at-risk employees are not interested in improving their sun protection. As perceptions of susceptibility and self-efficacy are associated with preferences for improving sun protection, health promoters should target these perceptions in strategies to increase employee participation in sun safety behaviours.
HE14058Prevalence of FOB testing in eastern-Australian general practice patients: what has a national bowel cancer screening program delivered?
It is important to monitor the use of screening for colorectal cancer in a variety of ways. This survey of 2269 people aged 50 years and over who were attending general practices identified that almost half had not been screened, particularly those under 60. It is important for general practitioners to continue to encourage all patients to be screened, even though mailed kits are sent as part of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
HE14035Challenges to establishing successful partnerships in community health promotion programs: local experiences from the national implementation of healthy eating activity and lifestyle (HEAL™) program
Community partnerships are important for successful local implementation of health promotion programs. This qualitative study describes some of the challenges faced by health professionals in developing partnerships to implement a health promotion program in Australia. Partnerships take time to develop and taken into consideration when programs are funded and implemented in the community.
HE14035 Abstract | HE14035 Full Text | HE14035PDF (98 KB) Open Access Article
HE14010Unhealthy product sponsorship of Australian national and state sports organisations
The health benefits of sport can be undermined by linking unhealthy products with the positive attributes of sport. This study examined the nature and extent of unhealthy food, beverage, alcohol and gambling sponsorship across peak Australian sporting organisations, finding that unhealthy sponsorship is prevalent at both the state/territory and national levels. Actions to limit unhealthy sponsorship would contribute to creating healthier environments for sport participation.
HE14010 Abstract | HE14010 Full Text | HE14010PDF (100 KB) Open Access Article
HE14032Evaluation of health promotion training for the Western Australian Aboriginal maternal and child health sector
Health promotion training can build capacity to address some of the determinants of poor health outcomes experienced by pregnant Aboriginal women and their babies. This evaluation demonstrated that health promotion training increased skills and confidence of maternal and child health professionals to deliver preventive health strategies. Training would be enhanced through ongoing individual and organisational support for participants to integrate health promotion into their work practice.
HE14062Prevention of postnatal mental health problems in women: knowledge exchange in primary care in Victoria, Australia
Prevention of postnatal mental health problems is a health-promotion priority. The aim of this study is to evaluate readiness to implement an innovative mental health-promotion program to extend postnatal primary care from a focus on treatment to include prevention. The results will inform a mental health training program for nurses and the protocol for a cluster randomised controlled effectiveness trial.
HE14082Food for thought: edible gardens in New Zealand primary and secondary schools
A postal questionnaire was used to determine the characteristics of edible gardens in New Zealand schools. Edible gardens were identified as being common in primary and secondary schools, although most gardens were newly established. Edible gardens were integrated in a variety of curriculum-based teaching activities and contributed to each school’s special character and environmental values.
HE14059Key beliefs of hospital nurses’ hand-hygiene behaviour: protecting your peers and needing effective reminders
We identified the important beliefs behind hospital nurses’ hand-hygiene decisions. Nurses from 50 Australian hospitals indicated how likely specific advantages and disadvantages, important others in their lives and barriers were to influence their decisions. The nurses were motivated by a reduction in the chance of infection for co-workers, while lack of time and forgetfulness were found to be barriers.