Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 19 Number 2 2008
HE08086Australian primary schools' sun protection policy and practice: evaluating the impact of the National SunSmart Schools Program
Simeon B.W. Jones, Kerri Beckmann and Joanne Rayner
pp. 86-89
HE08091An evidence-consultation base for developing child injury prevention priorities for Australian farms
Laurence Stiller, Julie Depczynski, Lyn Fragar and Richard Franklin
pp. 91-96
HE08097Are workers or their workplaces the key to occupational sun protection?
Vanessa Hammond, Anthony I. Reeder, Andrew R. Gray and Melanie L. Bell
pp. 97-101
HE08102Exploring the meaning of, the barriers to and potential strategies for promoting physical activity among urban Indigenous Australians
Julian Hunt, Alison L. Marshall and David Jenkins
pp. 102-108
HE08109Adolescents with attitude ... changes in views about smoking over time
Jenna Mitchell, Michael Rosenberg and Lisa Wood
pp. 109-112
HE08113Community knowledge, attitudes and behaviours about environmental tobacco smoke in homes and cars
Jeff Dunn, Susan Greenbank, Michelle McDowell, Catherine Mahoney, Paul Mazerolle, Stefano Occhipinti and Suzanne Steginga
pp. 113-117
HE08118Barriers and motivators for owners walking their dog: results from qualitative research
Hayley E. Cutt, Billie Giles-Corti, Lisa J. Wood, Matthew W. Knuiman and Valerie Burke
pp. 118-124
HE08125Cost-effectiveness of a personal health document in different distribution settings
Lars Jerdén, Lars Lindholm and Lars Weinehall
pp. 125-131
HE08132When confrontational images may be counter productive: reinforcing the case for pre-testing communications in sensitive areas
Robert J. Donovan, Geoffrey Jalleh, Lynda Fielder and Robyn Ouschan
pp. 132-136
HE08137Process evaluation in an intervention designed to promote physical activity among adults with anxiety disorders: Evidence of acceptability and adherence
Philayrath Phongsavan, Dafna Merom, Renate Wagner, Tien Chey, Belinda von Hofe, Derrick Silove and Adrian Bauman
pp. 137-143
HE08144Documenting the development of social capital in a community Safety Promotion Network: It's not what you know but who you know
Dale Hanson, Jan Hanson, Paul Vardon, Kathryn McFarlane, Rick Speare and David Dürrheim
pp. 144-151
HE08152Framework and tools for planning and evaluating community participation, collaborative partnerships and equity in health promotion
Gwyn Jolley, Angela Lawless and Catherine Hurley
pp. 152-157
HE08158Pilot of a preoperative smoking cessation intervention incorporating post-discharge support from a Quitline
Luke Wolfenden, John Wiggers, Elizabeth Campbell and Jenny Knight
pp. 158-160
HE08161Tapping midwives' views about the neonatal hepatitis B vaccine: how welcome is a move towards a health promoting orientation?
Christine Pearce, Julie Leask and Jan Ritchie
pp. 161-163