Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 18 Number 2 2007
HE07098Falls from playground equipment: will the new Australian playground safety standard make a difference and how will we tell?
Rebecca Mitchell, Shauna Sherker, Margaret Cavanagh and David Eager
pp. 98-104
HE07105Stories from the past, the reality of the present, taking control of the future' - Lifestyle changes among Pukapuka people in the Illawarra
Nieves Oliver, David Perkins, Lesley Hare and Karen Larsen
pp. 105-108
HE07109Developing locally relevant outreach programs for same sex attracted youth in regional areas
Roanna Lobo, Graham Brown and Jaye Edwards
pp. 109-112
HE07113... sending out an SMS: an impact and outcome evaluation of the Western Australian Department of Health's 2005 chlamydia campaign
Alexa Wilkins and Donna B. Mak
pp. 113-120
HE07121Tobacco control priorities for Arabic speakers: key findings from a baseline telephone survey of Arabic speakers residing in Sydney's south-west
Andrew Perusco, Glenys Rikard-Bell, Mohammed Mohsin, Elizabeth Millen, Marial Sabry, Natasha Poder, Mandy Williams, Lydia Farag, Myna Hua and Sanaa Guirguis
pp. 121-126
HE07127Residential proximity to school and the active travel choices of parents
Rachel Cole, Eva Leslie, Maria Donald, Ester Cerin and Neville Owen
pp. 127-134
HE07135An investigation into the protective factors for overweight among low socio-economic status children
Kobie Boshoff, Jim Dollman and Anthea Magarey
pp. 135-142
HE07143Eating and activity: the importance of family and environment
Julie Moore and Niki Harré
pp. 143-148
HE07149Early childhood sector staff perceptions of child overweight and obesity: the Weight of Opinion Study
Deanna Pagnini, Rachel Wilkenfeld, Lesley King, Michael Booth and Sue Booth
pp. 149-154
HE07155A brief report of attitudes towards physical activity during pregnancy
Frances Doran and Anthony P. O'Brien
pp. 155-158
HE07159An evaluation of a nutrition intervention at childcare centres in South Australia
Louisa Matwiejczyk, Kaye Colmer and Julie-Anne McWhinnie
pp. 159-162