Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 21 Number 3 2010
HE10176Integrating smoking care in community service organisations to reach disadvantaged people: Findings from the Smoking Matters project
Jon O?Brien, Arya Geikie, Andrew Jardine, Wendy Oakes and Allison Salmon
pp. 176-182
HE10183Process evaluation of Community Kitchens: Results from two Victorian local government areas
Jia Hwa Lee, Julia McCartan, Claire Palermo and Andrea Bryce
pp. 183-188
HE10189Lessons learned: Staff perceptions of the Nintendo Wii as a health promotion tool within an aged-care and disability service
Helen Christine Higgins, Julie Kaye Horton, Brent Cameron Hodgkinson and Stephen Brad Muggleton
pp. 189-195
HE10196Changes in the content of children?s school lunches across the school week
Leah Brennan, Cara L. Miles, Sarah Mitchell and Jan Matthews
pp. 196-201
HE10202Knowledge of cervical cancer, pap testing and the human papillomavirus among young Australian women
Lyndel Shand, Sue Burney and Jane Fletcher
pp. 202-207
HE10208Try and try again: Qualitative insights into adolescent smoking experimentation and notions of addiction
Justine Leavy, Lisa Wood, Fiona Phillips and Michael Rosenberg
pp. 208-214
HE10215Hearing protection for clubbers is music to their ears
Elizabeth Francis Beach, Warwick Williams and Megan Gilliver
pp. 215-221
HE10222Evidence-based policy and practice of physical activity in Australia: Awareness and attitudes of attendees at a national physical activity conference (the PAPPA study)
Bill Bellew, Adrian Bauman and Wendy Brown
pp. 222-228
HE10229Industry self-regulation of food marketing to children: Reading the fine print
Lana Hebden, Lesley King, Bridget Kelly, Kathy Chapman and Christine Innes-Hughes
pp. 229-235
HE10236Hairdressers as a resource in addressing family violence
Shakti McLaren, Aileen Thoms, Schana Serin, Rhonda Garad, Andrew Joyce and Jessica McCormick
pp. 236-238
HE10239A short course in writing for publication for health promotion practitioners
Emma Bruce and Helen Keleher
pp. 239-241
HE10242Letter - Framing prevention: Response to Fry, Gleeson and Rissel
Andrew J Milat and Blythe J O?Hara
pp. 242-243