Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 20 Number 2 2009
HE09084Editorial - The Oxford Health Alliance gives young people a voice on chronic disease
Fred Hersch, Steve Leeder and Hester Rice
pp. 84-85
HE09086Concepts and new frontiers for development - What role should health promoters play in lifestyle-based diabetes prevention programs in Australia?
Andrew J. Milat, Blythe O'Hara and Elizabeth Develin
pp. 86-91
HE09092Australia?s National Men?s Health Policy: Masculinity Matters
Margo Saunders and Anita Peerson
pp. 92-97
HE09098A focus on health promotion and prevention through the development of the national men?s health policy
James A. Smith and Chris Bollen
pp. 98-101
HE09102Prevalence and determinants of sunburn in Queensland
Carla Rogers, Marina Kvaskoff, Tracey DiSipio, Danny Youlden, David Whiteman, Elizabeth Eakin, Philippa H. Youl, Joanne Aitken and Lin Fritschi
pp. 102-106
HE09107Similarity of sun protection attitudes and behaviours within north Queensland peer groups
Torres Woolley and Petra Buettner
pp. 107-111
HE09112Tooty Fruity Vegie in Preschools: an obesity prevention intervention in preschools targeting children's movement skills and eating behaviours
Jillian Adams, Avigdor Zask and Uta Dietrich
pp. 112-119
HE09120Promoting a team ball game (Lifeball) to older people: who does this game attract and who continues?
Sue Green, Elizabeth Campbell, Lisa Barnett, Rebecca Mitchell, Deborah Radvan and Eric Van Beurden
pp. 120-126
HE09127Through the eyes of children: engaging primary school-aged children in creating supportive school environments for physical activity and nutrition
Emma Fitzgerald, Anne Bunde-Birouste and Emma Webster
pp. 127-132
HE09133Qualitative data analysis: conceptual and practical considerations
Pranee Liamputtong
pp. 133-139
HE09140Revealing the wood and the trees: reporting qualitative research
Ilse Blignault and Jan Ritchie
pp. 140-145
HE09146We would have got it by now if we were going to get it...' An analysis of asthma awareness and beliefs in older adults
Kelly L. Andrews and Sandra C. Jones
pp. 146-150
HE09151Building capacity for evidence-based practice in the health promotion workforce: evaluation of a train-the-trainer initiative in NSW
Beverley Lloyd, Lucie Rychetnik, Michelle Maxwell and Trish Nove
pp. 151-154