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Health Promotion Journal of Australia Health Promotion Journal of Australia Society
Journal of the Australian Health Promotion Association

Acculturation, sexual behaviour, risk and knowledge in Vietnamese men living in Metropolitan Sydney

Catherine O'Connor, Marinda Graco, Li Ming Wen and Susan Quine

Health Promotion Journal of Australia 20(1) 13 - 19
Published: 01 April 2009


"Objectives: To describe the relationship between acculturation, sexual risk and sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood borne viruses (BBVs) knowledge among Vietnamese men living in inner Sydney and to compare this prevalence with national data. Method: Telephone interviews were completed with a random sample of Vietnamese men, selected from the electronic phone book using a list of common Vietnamese surnames. Results: Of the 761 eligible men contacted, data were obtained from 499 men, giving a response rate of 66%. There was an association between lower acculturation scores and having more than 10 lifetime sexual partners, more than 50 lifetime sexual partners, never using a condom, ever or recently having commercial sex, ever having an STI, being hepatitis B carriers or ever being imprisoned. Conclusion: There is an association between acculturation and many aspects of sexual behaviour. Key words: acculturation, population based, sexual risk behaviour, telephone interview, Vietnamese men."

© Australian Health Promotion Association 2009

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