Lesbians' experiences of cervical screening
Adrienne Brown, Julie Hassard, Madeline Fernbach, Edith Szabo and Melanie Wakefield
Health Promotion Journal of Australia
14(2) 128 - 132
Published: 01 August 2003
Issues addressed: Lesbians have historically been advised that they are at little risk of cervical cancer because they do not engage in heterosexual sex. Recently the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has been implicated as a central etiologic factor, present in more than 99.7% of cervical carcinomas. As HPV is the most frequently sexually transmitted infection in women, lesbians should participate in regular two-yearly screening. The aim of the study was to investigate cervical screening practice within the lesbian community.https://doi.org/10.1071/HE03128
© Australian Health Promotion Association 2003