Functional Plant Biology
Volume 32 Number 7 2005
FP05037Light-acclimation of cladode photosynthetic potentials in Casuarina glauca: trade-offs between physiological and structural investments
Ülo Niinemets, Aljona Lukjanova, Ashley D. Sparrow and Matthew H. Turnbull
pp. 571-582
FP04092Modelling seasonal and diurnal dynamics of stomatal conductance of plants in a semiarid environment
Qiong Gao, Mei Yu, Xinshi Zhang, Hongmei Xu and Yongmei Huang
pp. 583-598
FP04242Unravelling the relationship between stem temperature and air temperature to correct for errors in sap-flow calculations using stem heat balance sensors
Kathy Steppe, Raoul Lemeur and Diego Dierick
pp. 599-609
FP04237Cell wall immobilisation and antioxidant status of Xanthoria parietina thalli exposed to cadmium
Luigi Sanità di Toppi, Rosita Marabottini, Zulema Vattuone, Rita Musetti, Maria Augusta Favali, Agostino Sorgonà and Maurizio Badiani
pp. 611-618
FP04168Cytokinin flows from Hordeum vulgare to the hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor and the influence of infection on host and parasite cytokinins relations
Fan Jiang, Sveta Veselova, Dima Veselov, Guzel Kudoyarova, W. Dieter Jeschke and Wolfram Hartung
pp. 619-629
FP05062Temperature influences growth and maturation of fruit on 'Hayward' kiwifruit vines
William P. Snelgar, Alistair J. Hall, A. Ross Ferguson and Peter Blattmann
pp. 631-642
FP04233Arabidopsis AtCNGC10 rescues potassium channel mutants of E. coli, yeast and Arabidopsis and is regulated by calcium/calmodulin and cyclic GMP in E. coli
Xinli Li, Tamás Borsics, H. Michael Harrington and David A. Christopher
pp. 643-653
FP05018Long-term night chilling of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) does not result in reduced CO2 assimilation
Bir Singh, Luke Haley, Jamie Nightengale, Won Hee Kang, Candace H. Haigler and A. Scott Holaday
pp. 655-666
FP05039Research note: Increasing Amb a 1 content in common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen as a function of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration
Ben D. Singer, Lewis H. Ziska, David A. Frenz, Dennis E. Gebhard and James G. Straka
pp. 667-670