Functional Plant Biology
Volume 32 Number 2 2005
FP03176The hot and the cold: unravelling the variable response of plant respiration to temperature
Owen K. Atkin, Dan Bruhn, Vaughan M. Hurry and Mark G. Tjoelker
pp. 87-105
FP04172Photochemical efficiency is an important component of ecophysiological variation of Cistus albidus between habitats in south-east Spain
Olga M. Grant and Lynton D. Incoll
pp. 107-115
FP04137Leaf morphology, photochemistry and water status changes in resprouting Quercus ilex during drought
Karen Peña-Rojas, Xavier Aranda, Richard Joffre and Isabel Fleck
pp. 117-130
FP04129Photosynthetic activity of Lolium perenne as a function of endophyte status and zinc nutrition
Fabien Monnet, Nathalie Vaillant, Adnane Hitmi and Huguette Sallanon
pp. 131-139
FP04113Salinity-induced changes in the nutritional status of expanding cells may impact leaf growth inhibition in maize
Beatriz G. Neves-Piestun and Nirit Bernstein
pp. 141-152
FP04084Plant phosphorus status has a limited influence on the concentration of phosphorus-mobilising carboxylates in the rhizosphere of chickpea
Madeleine Wouterlood, Hans Lambers and Erik J. Veneklaas
pp. 153-159
FP04143A new group of plant-specific ATP-dependent DNA ligases identified by protein phylogeny, hydrophobic cluster analysis and 3-dimensional modelling
Diego Bonatto, Martin Brendel and João Antonio Pêgas Henriques
pp. 161-174
FP04145Mechanoreceptors rather than sedimentable amyloplasts perceive the gravity signal in hypergravity-induced inhibition of root growth in azuki bean
Kouichi Soga, Kazuyuki Wakabayashi, Seiichiro Kamisaka and Takayuki Hoson
pp. 175-179