Functional Plant Biology
Volume 30 Number 6 2003
Grapevine Research
FP02096Peroxidase: a multifunctional enzyme in grapevines
Alfonso Ros Barceló, Federico Pomar, Matías López-Serrano and Maria Angeles Pedreño
pp. 577-591
FP02112New insights into grapevine flowering
Paul K. Boss, Elise J. Buckeridge, Andrew Poole and Mark R. Thomas
pp. 593-606
FP02110A ten-year study on the physiology of two Spanish grapevine cultivars under field conditions: effects of water availability from leaf photosynthesis to grape yield and quality
Hipólito Medrano, José M. Escalona, Josep Cifre, Josefina Bota and Jaume Flexas
pp. 607-619
FP02116Cloning and expression of two plasma membrane aquaporins expressed during the ripening of grape berry
Sarah Picaud, Frédéric Becq, Fabienne Dédaldéchamp, Agnès Ageorges and Serge Delrot
pp. 621-630
FP02114Assessment of photoprotection mechanisms of grapevines at low temperature
Luke Hendrickson, Marilyn C. Ball, C. Barry Osmond, Robert T. Furbank and Wah Soon Chow
pp. 631-642
FP02191Whole-plant transpiration efficiency of Sultana grapevine grown under saline conditions is increased through the use of a Cl– -excluding rootstock
Mark R. Gibberd, Rob R. Walker and Anthony G. Condon
pp. 643-652
FP02115Partial rootzone drying: regulation of stomatal aperture and carbon assimilation in field-grown grapevines (Vitis vinifera cv. Moscatel)
Claudia R. de Souza, João P. Maroco, Tiago P. dos Santos, M. Lucília Rodrigues, Carlos M. Lopes, João S. Pereira and M. Manuela Chaves
pp. 653-662
FP02180Partial rootzone drying: effects on growth and fruit quality of field-grown grapevines (Vitis vinifera )
Tiago P. dos Santos, Carlos M. Lopes, M. Lucília Rodrigues, Claudia R. de Souza, João P. Maroco, João S. Pereira, Jorge R. Silva and M. Manuela Chaves
pp. 663-671
FP02181Regulation of canopy conductance and transpiration and their modelling in irrigated grapevines
Ping Lu, Isa A. M. Yunusa, Rob R. Walker and Warren J. Müller
pp. 689-698
FP02222Modelling the seasonal dynamics of the soil water balance of vineyards
Eric Lebon, Vincent Dumas, Philippe Pieri and Hans R. Schultz
pp. 699-710
FP02188The effect of leaf removal and canopy height on whole-vine gas exchange and fruit development of Vitis vinifera L. Sauvignon Blanc
Paul R. Petrie, Michael C. T. Trought, G. Stanley Howell and Graeme D. Buchan
pp. 711-717
FP02212Calcium-accumulating cells in the meristematic region of grapevine root apices
Richard Storey, R. Gareth Wyn Jones, Daniel P. Schachtman and Michael T. Treeby
pp. 719-727