Functional Plant Biology
Volume 37 Number 12 2010
FP10159Global gene expression analysis of in vitro root formation in Medicago truncatula
Peta Holmes, Michael A. Djordjevic and Nijat Imin
pp. 1117-1131
FP09248Cortical colonisation is not an absolute requirement for phosphorus transfer to plants in arbuscular mycorrhizas formed by Scutellospora calospora in a tomato mutant: evidence from physiology and gene expression
Maria Manjarrez, Helle M. Christophersen, Sally E. Smith and F. Andrew Smith
pp. 1132-1142
FP10080The role of low molecular weight ligands in nickel hyperaccumulation in Hybanthus floribundus subspecies floribundus
Anthony G. Kachenko, Balwant Singh and Naveen Bhatia
pp. 1143-1150
FP10086Hexokinase-dependent sugar signaling represses fructan exohydrolase activity in Lolium perenne
Jérémy Lothier, Bertrand Lasseur, Marie-Pascale Prud'homme and Annette Morvan-Bertrand
pp. 1151-1160
FP10055Physiological basis for enhanced sucrose accumulation in an engineered sugarcane cell line
Luguang Wu and Robert G. Birch
pp. 1161-1174
FP10166Buoyancy, salt tolerance and germination of coastal seeds: implications for oceanic hydrochorous dispersal
Lydia K. Guja, David J. Merritt and Kingsley W. Dixon
pp. 1175-1186
FP10141Comment on Wood et al. 2008, 'Impacts of fire on forest age and runoff in mountain ash forests'
Richard Benyon, Shane Haydon, Rob Vertessy, Tom Hatton, George Kuczera, Paul Feikema and Patrick Lane
pp. 1187-1191
FPv37n12retractRetraction notice to 'Impacts of fire on forest age and runoff in mountain ash forests.' [Functional Plant Biology 35(2008), 483–492. doi:10.1071/FP08120]
Stephen A. Wood, Jason Beringer, Lindsay B. Hutley, A. David McGuire, Albert Van Dijk and Musa Kilinc
pp. 1192-1192