Functional Plant Biology
Volume 34 Number 5 2007
FP06312Decrease in the capacity for RuBP carboxylation and regeneration with the progression of cold-induced photoinhibition during winter in evergreen broadleaf tree species in a temperate forest
Yoshiyuki Miyazawa, Kihachiro Kikuzawa and Kyoichi Otsuki
pp. 393-401
FP07022Short-term interactions between nitrate and iron nutrition in cucumber
Miroslav Nikolic, Stefano Cesco, Volker Römheld, Zeno Varanini and Roberto Pinton
pp. 402-408
FP06307Nitrogen resorption and protein degradation during leaf senescence in Chenopodium album grown in different light and nitrogen conditions
Yuko Yasumura, Kouki Hikosaka and Tadaki Hirose
pp. 409-417
FP06286Impact of defoliation frequency on regrowth and carbohydrate metabolism in contrasting varieties of Lolium perenne
Bertrand Lasseur, Jérémy Lothier, Annette Morvan-Bertrand, Abraham Escobar-Guttiérez, Mervyn O. Humphreys and Marie-Pascale Prud'homme
pp. 418-430
FP06288Multiple effects of the starch synthase II mutation in developing wheat endosperm
Behjat Kosar-Hashemi, Zhongyi Li, Oscar Larroque, Ahmed Regina, Makoto Yamamori, Matthew K. Morell and Sadequr Rahman
pp. 431-438
FP07010Selenium-induced oxidative stress in coffee cell suspension cultures
Rui A. Gomes-Junior, Priscila L. Gratão, Salete A. Gaziola, Paulo Mazzafera, Peter J. Lea and Ricardo A. Azevedo
pp. 449-456
FP06242Relative amounts of soluble and insoluble forms of phosphorus and other elements in intraradical hyphae and arbuscules of arbuscular mycorrhizas
Megan H. Ryan, Margaret E. McCully and Cheng X. Huang
pp. 457-464