Functional Plant Biology
Volume 33 Number 8 2006
Legume Genomics and Genetics
FPv33n8_FOForeword to 'Legume Genomics and Genetics'
Peter M. Gresshoff and Christine A. Beveridge
pp. iii-iv
FP06056Legume nodulation: successful symbiosis through short- and long-distance signalling
Mark Kinkema, Paul T. Scott and Peter M. Gresshoff
pp. 707-721
FP06080Brassinosteroid-independent function of BRI1/CLV1 chimeric receptors
Anne Diévart, Matthew J. Hymes, Jianming Li and Steven E. Clark
pp. 723-730
FP06085Functional genomics of plant transporters in legume nodules
Vagner A. Benedito, Xinbin Dai, Ji He, Patrick X. Zhao and Michael K. Udvardi
pp. 731-736
FP06079Transcriptional snapshots provide insights into the molecular basis of arbuscular mycorrhiza in the model legume Medicago truncatula
Natalija Hohnjec, Kolja Henckel, Thomas Bekel, Jerome Gouzy, Michael Dondrup, Alexander Goesmann and Helge Küster
pp. 737-748
FP06083Genetic supressors of Lotus japonicus har1-1 hypernodulation show altered interactions with Glomus intraradices
Jeremy Murray, Ryan Geil, Cameron Wagg, Bogumil Karas, Krzysztof Szczyglowski and R. Larry Peterson
pp. 749-755
FP06090A crispa null mutant facilitates identification of a crispa-like pseudogene in pea
Frank Sainsbury, Alexander D. Tattersall, Michael J. Ambrose, Lynda Turner, T. H. Noel Ellis and Julie M. I. Hofer
pp. 757-763
FP06106Survey sequencing of soybean elucidates the genome structure, composition and identifies novel repeats
Andrew Nunberg, Joseph A. Bedell, Mohammad A. Budiman, Robert W. Citek, Sandra W. Clifton, Lucinda Fulton, Deana Pape, Zheng Cai, Trupti Joshi, Henry Nguyen, Dong Xu and Gary Stacey
pp. 765-773
FP06102Differences in syntenic complexity between Medicago truncatula with Lens culinaris and Lupinus albus
Huyen T. T. Phan, Simon R. Ellwood, Rebecca Ford, Steve Thomas and Richard Oliver
pp. 775-782
FP06065The Affymetrix Medicago GeneChip® array is applicable for transcript analysis of alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
Mesfin Tesfaye, Kevin A. T. Silverstein, Bruna Bucciarelli, Deborah A. Samac and Carroll P. Vance
pp. 783-788
FP06101Identification of candidate phosphorus stress induced genes in Phaseolus vulgaris through clustering analysis across several plant species
Michelle A. Graham, Mario Ramírez, Oswaldo Valdés-López, Miguel Lara, Mesfin Tesfaye, Carroll P. Vance and Georgina Hernandez
pp. 789-797