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Comparison of Vibrio and Firefly Luciferases as Reporter Gene Systems for Use in Bacteria and Plants

SR Mudge, WR Lewis-Henderson and RG Birch

Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 23(1) 75 - 83
Published: 1996


Luciferase genes from Vibrio harveyi (luxAB) and firefly (luc) were introduced into E. coli, Agrobacteriurn, Arabidopsis and tobacco. Transformed bacteria and plants were quantitatively assayed for luciferase activity using a range of in vitro and in vivo assay conditions. Both lux and luc proved efficient reporter genes in bacteria, although it is important to be aware that the sensitive assays may detect expression due to readthrough from distant promoters. LUX activity was undetectable by liquid nitrogen-cooled CCD camera assays on intact tissues of plants which showed strong luxAB expression by in vitro assays. The decanal substrate for the lux assay was toxic to many plant tissues, and caused chemiluminescence in untransformed Arabidopsis leaves. These are serious limitations to application of the lux system for sensitive, non-toxic assays of reporter gene expression in plants. In contrast, LUC activity was readily detectable in intact tissues of all plants with luc expression detectable by luminometer assays on cell extracts. Image intensities of luc-expressing leaves were commonly two to four orders of magnitude above controls under the CCD camera. Provided adequate penetration of the substrate luciferin is obtained, luc is suitable for applications requiring sensitive, non-toxic assays of reporter gene expression in plants.

Keywords: LUC, LUX, Arabidopsis, tobacco, E. coli, Agrobacterium

© CSIRO 1996

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