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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

Inhibition by Proton Buffers of Photosynthetic Utilization of Bicarbonate in Chara corallina

G.D Price and M.R Badger

Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 12(3) 257 - 267
Published: 1985


A simple model was developed to explain the mechanism by which buffers inhibit HCO*3¯ utilization in Chara corallina. The chief assumption was that an acidic compartment exists in the peiiplasmic space and that exogenous buffer species must cross the apoplast to dissipate this H+ gradient (¿pH). Assuming that HCO*3¯ utilization depends on H+ extrusion, buffer-induced H+ dissipation should result in a reduction in inorganic carbon (C*i) limited photosynthesis. The model predicts that buffers with a pKa midway between the bulk phase pH (pHo) and an assumed periplasmic pH will be most effective in dissipating the periplasmic ¿pH. Experiments conducted at pHo = 9.3 and with 5 mM concentrations of various buffers show that buffers in the range pKa 7.5-9.0 are most inhibitory to HCO*3¯ utilization. The initial slope of the photosynthetic response to C*i (i.e. where C*i availability is rate limiting) is more sensitive to buffers than rates at high C*i levels. Buffer inhibition was reversible. Experimental data correspond well with the model and indicate that HCO*3¯ utilization sites in the periplast are considerably more acidic than the bulk phase during photosynthetic HCO*3¯ utilization. Results suggest that during buffer inhibition experiments ¿pH is around 2 or more units when the bulk phase pH is 9.3.

© CSIRO 1985

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