Upregulation of TaHSP90A transcripts enhances heat tolerance and increases grain yield in wheat under changing climate conditions
Ali Ammar A , Zulfiqar Ali
Handling Editor: Inzamam Haq
Plants have certain adaptation mechanisms to combat temperature extremes and fluctuations. The heat shock protein (HSP90A) plays a crucial role in plant defence mechanisms under heat stress. In silico analysis of the eight TaHSP90A transcripts showed diverse structural patterns in terms of intron/exons, domains, motifs and cis elements in the promoter region in wheat. These regions contained cis elements related to hormones, biotic and abiotic stress and development. To validate these findings, two contrasting wheat genotypes E-01 (thermo-tolerant) and SHP-52 (thermo-sensitive) were used to evaluate the expression pattern of three transcripts TraesCS2A02G033700.1, TraesCS5B02G258900.3 and TraesCS5D02G268000.2 in five different tissues at five different temperature regimes. Expression of TraesCS2A02G033700.1 was upregulated (2-fold) in flag leaf tissue after 1 and 4 h of heat treatment in E-01. In contrast, SHP-52 showed downregulated expression after 1 h of heat treatment. Additionally, it was shown that under heat stress, the increased expression of TaHSP90A led to an increase in grain production. As the molecular mechanism of genes involved in heat tolerance at the reproductive stage is mostly unknown, these results provide new insights into the role of TaHSP90A transcripts in developing phenotypic plasticity in wheat to develop heat-tolerant cultivars under the current changing climate scenario.
Keywords: abiotic stress, climate change, food security, functional genomics, heat shock proteins, heat tolerance, spatial and temporal expression, Triticum aestivum L.
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