The physiology and anatomy study in leaves of Saragolla and Svevo wheat cultivars under polyethylene glycol-simulated drought stress
Ilva Licaj

Drought stress is increasing in frequency and severity with the progression of global climate change, thereby becoming a major concern for the growth and yield of crop plants, including wheat. The current challenge is to explore different ways of developing wheat genotypes with increased tolerance to drought. Therefore, we renewed interest in ‘ancient’ varieties expected to be more tolerant to environmental stress than the few elite varieties nowadays cultivated. This study aimed to perform comparative analysis of the effect of drought-simulating polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) treatment on morpho-anatomical and physiological foliar traits of two durum wheat seedlings cultivars, Saragolla and Svevo, as these can reflect the adaptability of the plant to the environment to a certain extent. Results demonstrated that drought-stressed Saragolla leaves exhibited a greater reduction of stomatal density, a minor reduction of stomatal pore width, a wider xylem vessel mean area, greater compactness of mesophyll cells, a minor loss of chlorophyll content, as well as better photosynthetic and growth performance compared to the other variety. From such behaviours, we consider the Saragolla cultivar more drought tolerant than Svevo and therefore probably very promising for cultivation in dry areas.
Keywords: drought stress, leaf anatomy, leaf physiology, Saragolla cultivar, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), stomata, Svevo cultivar, wheat.
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