Chickpea plant responses to polyphosphate fertiliser forms and drip fertigation frequencies: effect on photosynthetic performance and phenotypic traits
Mohamed Chtouki A B , Rachida Naciri A , Sarah Garré B , Frederic Nguyen C and Abdallah Oukarroum
A Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – AgoBioSciences, Plant Stress Physiology Laboratory, Benguerir 43150, Morocco.
B University of Liege – Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Faculty, Gembloux B-5030, Belgium.
C University of Liege – UR UEE, School of Engineering, Liege B-4000, Belgium.
D Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, High Throughput Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory, Benguerir 43150, Morocco.
E Corresponding author. Email:;
Functional Plant Biology -
Submitted: 31 January 2021 Accepted: 24 May 2021 Published online: 21 June 2021
Photosynthesis is the main biophysiological process that governs plant growth and development. Under nutrient deficiency in crops and soils, many photosynthetic reactions can be disturbed. We compared two polyphosphates (Poly-A and Poly-B) and an orthophosphate fertiliser (Ortho-P) to an unfertilised treatment under three drip fertigation frequencies. Results showed that the electron transport chain between PSII and PSI was significantly enhanced in fertigated chickpea plants compared with the control treatment. The polyphosphate fertiliser (Poly-A) enhanced the number of electron acceptors of the photosynthetic linear electron transport chain compared with the other fertiliser forms. Furthermore, the time for reaching the maximum intensity Fm was shortened in the fertilised chickpea plant indicating that the rate of light trapping and electron transport was enhanced under phosphorus drip fertigation. Also, the energy needed to close all reaction centres was decreased with P fertigated treatments, as revealed by the electron acceptor pool size of PSII (Sm/tFmax). However, no significant effects of fertiliser forms or fertigation frequencies were observed on the energetic demand for reaction centres closure. Plants grown under polyphosphate fertigation absorbed significantly more phosphorus. Positive correlations between phosphorus uptake, photosynthetic yield, chickpea podding dynamic, and grain yield showed the beneficial effects of adequate phosphorus nutrition on chickpea growth and productivity.
Keywords: photosynthetic yield, phosphorus uptake, chickpea podding, drip fertigation, fertiliser, Poly-A, Poly-B.
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