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ASEG Extended Abstracts ASEG Extended Abstracts Society
ASEG Extended Abstracts

A Major Geophysical Experiment in the Capricorn Orogeny, Western Australia

Alan Aitken, Sasha Banasazczyk, Michael Dentith, Mark Lindsay, Jeffrey Shragge, Perla Piña-Varas, David Annetts, James Austin, Yusen Ley-Cooper, Tim Munday, Brian Kennett, Ruth Murdie and Huaiyu Yuan

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2015(1) 1 - 5
Published: 2015


A major geophysical experiment has begun in the Capricorn Orogen in Western Australia. Orogen-scale passive seismic and magnetotelluric surveys are on-going and preliminary results suggest have successfully delineated the base of the crust and major structures and tectonic boundaries. Airborne electromagnetic data have successfully mapped features in the near-surface such as palaeovalleys. The integration of the different geophysical datasets with each other and with parallel geological studies are intended to lead to a better understanding the Capricorn Orogen and develop exploration approaches and appropriate toolkits that significantly improve our ability to prospect under cover.

© ASEG 2015

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