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ASEG Extended Abstracts

Using time-lapse VSP data to constrain velocity-saturation relations

Mohammed Al Hosni, Eva Caspari, Roman Pevzner, Thomas M. Daley and Boris Gurevich

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2015(1) 1 - 4
Published: 2015


Quantitative interpretation of time-lapse seismic data is an ongoing challenge. Understanding the velocity-saturation relations and changes caused by CO2 injection play an important role for the application of seismic monitoring techniques to carbon dioxide storage projects. High uncertainties associated with well log measurements affected by borehole conditions can affect our ability to constrain a rock physics model. Seismic measurements, such as Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP), that span both the near-well region and far beyond the borehole can provide good control for correcting these measurements and reducing the uncertainties thereafter. In this paper, we analyse the observed time delays in time-lapse VSP data from the Frio CO2 injection test site by employing an integrated approach of rock physics and seismic forward modelling to reduce uncertainties in the choice of the dry frame modulus and velocity-saturation relations. First, we confirmed the quality of pre-injection well logs velocities with VSP data. Afterwards, we use inverse Gassmann relations to calculate the dry frame properties of the reservoir with different input parameters for the grain moduli with fluid substitution applied for uniform saturation of brine and CO2. Finally, forward modelling of the results is implemented to compare the response with field VSP data. Our investigation shows that VSP data can help constrain the choice of dry frame modulus, and thus the velocity-saturation relation. The rock physics model best matches the VSP results using large grain moduli and uniform saturation for fluid substitution.

© ASEG 2015

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