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ASEG Extended Abstracts ASEG Extended Abstracts Society
ASEG Extended Abstracts

Resistivity structures of western Victoria, Australia from 2D and 3D modelling of magnetotelluric data

Sahereh Aivazpourporgou, Stephan Thiel, Patrick Hayman, Naser Meqbel, Louis Moresi and Graham Heinson

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2015(1) 1 - 3
Published: 2015


A long period magnetotelluric (MT) survey, comprising 39 sites over an area of 270 by 150 km, has identified partial melt within the thinned lithosphere of Quaternary Newer Volcanics Province (NVP) in southeast Australia. MT inversion models reveal several important tectonic features and unravel critical information about the tectonics of the area. The models have imaged a conductive anomaly beneath the NVP at ~40-80 km depth, which is consistent with the presence of 1.5-4% partial-melt in the lithosphere. The conductive zone is located within thin juvenile oceanic lithospheric mantle, which was accreted onto thicker Proterozoic continental lithospheric mantle, suggesting that the NVP origin is due to decompression melting within the asthenosphere, promoted by lithospheric thickness variations in conjunction with rapid shear. In addition, inversion modelling shows that there is a conductivity contrast across the Moyston Fault that suggests the transition from Proterozoic continental lithospheric mantle under the Delamerian Orogen to the Phanerozoic lithospheric mantle under the Lachlan Orogen.

© ASEG 2015

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