Exploration Geophysics
Volume 48 Number 3 2017
EG160273D numerical modelling of negative apparent conductivity anomalies in loop-loop electromagnetic measurements: a case study at a dacite intrusion in Sugisawa, Akita Prefecture, Japan
Under certain geological conditions, low induction number electromagnetic instruments are known to produce negative apparent conductivity responses. This is particularly the case when the subsurface is characterised by highly conductive bodies. We present 3D numerical modelling results of dacite dike intrusions in Sugisawa, Akita Prefecture, Japan.
EG15014A time-frequency analysis method to obtain stable estimates of magnetotelluric response function based on Hilbert-Huang transform
Based on the Hilbert-Huang transform, a time-frequency analysis method is proposed to obtain stable estimates of the magnetotelluric response function. The response function estimation is performed in the time-frequency domain using instantaneous spectra rather than in the frequency domain, which allows for imaging the response parameter content as a function of time and frequency.
EG16003Converted-wave guided imaging condition for elastic reverse time migration with wavefield separation
Polarity reversals and cross-talk noises, which degrade the converted wave images (P-S, S-P, and S-S images) of elastic reverse time migration (ERTM), are addressed. To overcome these problems, we derive a new P-S converted wave imaging condition for ERTM based on wavefield separation techniques.
EG15100Obtaining high-resolution velocity spectra using weighted semblance
Accuracy and resolution of velocity spectra are very important in seismic data processing, as they have considerable impact on the quality of the final seismic section. We improve the accuracy and resolution of velocity spectra by introducing two weighting functions to the traditional semblance velocity analysis.
EG16019An efficient waveform inversion using the common mid-point gather in the wavenumber-space-time domain
We introduce an efficient waveform inversion algorithm using common mid-point gathers. Since we perform both modelling and inversion in the wavenumber-space-time domain, it recovers only a one-dimensional velocity model. However, we can build a two-dimensional velocity model with moderate dips by assuming that reflectors are locally flat.
EG15065An experimental study of Rayleigh waves based on seismoelectric measurements
Rayleigh wave experiments were performed in homogeneous and lateral inhomogeneous models using acoustic and seismoelectric measurements, respectively. The experimental results suggest a potential application of the seismoelectric conversion effect to improve spatial resolution and meet the requirement of dispersion measurement in the laboratory acoustic experiments involving Rayleigh waves.
EG15115Statics correction methods for 3D converted-wave (PS) seismic reflection
An analysis of three approaches for estimating 3D PS statics is presented. These include a surface-consistent inversion algorithm, PPS refraction statics, and a robust statistical method. This analysis is achieved through the use of synthetic models, and a coal-scale 3D-3C survey acquired in the Bowen Basin.
EG15035Fast residual static correction method using first arrivals in the 3D shot–receiver united domain
We introduce a residual static correction method using first arrivals. Since we fit and smooth the first breaks in a 3D shot–receiver united domain, this method has a lower sensitivity to first arrivals and performs better than traditional methods.
EG16036Microtremor exploration for shallow S-wave velocity profiles at stations in local strong motion network in Bursa, Yalova, and Kocaeli in north-western Turkey
We conducted microtremor array surveys for shallow Vs profiles at strong motion stations in Bursa, Yalova and Kocaeli provinces in Turkey. The Vs profiles to a depth of 100 m were deduced from Rayleigh wave phase velocities in frequencies from 1 to 30 Hz. Site amplification factors were discussed with the profiles.
EG16039Amplification characteristics of seismic observation sites from S-wave energy, coda waves and background noise from the Fukuoka earthquake series
This study applied a method that uses the H/V spectral ratio of ground motions to analyse site amplification characteristics. Its application was extended to S-waves, coda waves, and background noise. Analysis of data at seismic stations in Korea suggested consistent site amplification characteristics among the three types of seismic energies despite a logarithmic difference in the Fourier transform values.
EG15053New comprehensive standard seismic noise models and 3D seismic noise variation for Morocco territory, North Africa, obtained using seismic broadband stations
New comprehensive seismic noise models and 3D seismic noise variation are constructed for Morocco, North Africa, using 23 broadband stations. The results bring a new perception to noise models and can be considered as a significant contribution. This study supplements the Peterson models and allows future permanent stations to be sited in Morocco.
EG15118Rapid depth estimation for compact magnetic sources using a semi-automated spectrum-based method
An object program provides hands-on searching through magnetic survey data. The power spectrum is remapped on-screen so that any isolated compact body appears as a straight line in a spectrum of depths. Results are typically noisy, so facilities are provided to change parameters to track down an elusive depth signal.
EG15041Fast inversion of gravity data using the symmetric successive over-relaxation (SSOR) preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm
We describe a new fast gravity inversion method to recover a 3D density model from gravity data. This gravity inversion method introduces a stabiliser model norm with a depth weighting function to produce smooth models and uses a new symmetric successive over-relaxation (SSOR) iterative conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm.
EG15039A Monte Carlo approach to constraining uncertainties in modelled downhole gravity gradiometry applications
In this paper, we describe the utilisation of numerical models to simulate the downhole application of gravity gradiometry in order to benchmark the impact of a density contrast at depth, with specific application to monitor a density contrast consistent with the sequestration of CO2 displacing brine water in an abandoned oil reservoir.
EG15052Gravity, magnetic and resistivity investigations of the Okauia Low Temperature Geothermal System in alluvial sediments of the Hauraki Depression, New Zealand
Gravity, ground magnetics, DC resistivity and TDEM measurements are used to delineate the near-surface extent of the Okauia Low Temperature Geothermal System, New Zealand. Potential permeable pathways mapped by the geophysical surveys are consistent with the geological environment.
EG16035Three-dimensional inversion of in-line resistivity data for monitoring a groundwater recharge experiment in a pyroclastic plateau
An artificial groundwater recharge experiment was conducted in a pyroclastic plateau in Kagoshima Prefecture in Japan, and time-efficient in-line resistivity surveys were performed along four intersecting lines. The zones of decreased resistivity shifted with time, indicating non-uniform penetration of water from the recharge areas and a horizontal flow of the recharged water.
EG15117Testing cluster analysis on combined petrophysical and geochemical data for rock mass classification
We demonstrate the usefulness of fuzzy clustering for semi-automated rock mass classification and the importance of data preconditioning prior to analysis. We also show the impact of choosing different subsets and combinations of the available data on the classification result.
EG15117 Abstract | EG15117 Full Text | EG15117PDF (1.9 MB) Open Access Article