Exploration Geophysics
Volume 42 Number 2 2011
EG10037Marine seismic profiling and shallow marine sand resistivity investigations in Jervis Bay, NSW, Australia
Julian Vrbancich, Robert J. Whiteley and Don W. Emerson
pp. 127-138
EG10030Ray-path concepts for converted-wave seismic refraction
Steve Hearn and Alan Meulenbroek
pp. 139-146
EG10031Analysis of converted refractions for shear statics and near-surface characterisation
Alan Meulenbroek and Steve Hearn
pp. 147-154
EG10014Shale volume determination using sonic, density and neutron data
Walid M. Mabrouk and Mostafa H. Kamel
pp. 155-158
EG09004Geophysical applications for Fe-rich emery exploration in the Elmacik area on the Menderes Massif (Turkey)
Ibrahim Aydin, Osman Uyanik, Erdinc Oksum and M. Selman Aydogan
pp. 159-166