Exploration Geophysics
Volume 37 Number 1 2006
Geosequestration and Geophysics in the Western Pacific Environment
Editors: K. Dodds, T. Matsuoka and J.-H. Kim
EG06019Estimation of CO2 saturation from time-lapse CO2 well logging in an onshore aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan
Z. Xue, D. Tanase and J. Watanabe
pp. 19-29
EG06030Time-lapse crosswell seismic tomography for monitoring injected CO2 in an onshore aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan
H. Saito, D. Nobuoka, H. Azuma, Z. Xue and D. Tanase
pp. 30-36
EG06037Gravity monitoring of CO2 storage in a depleted gas field: A sensitivity study
D. Sherlock, A. Toomey, M. Hoversten, E. Gasperikova and K. Dodds
pp. 37-43
EG06044Monitoring CO2 injection with cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography
N.B. Christensen, D. Sherlock and K. Dodds
pp. 44-49
EG06050Fault reactivation potential during CO2 injection in the Gippsland Basin, Australia
P.J. van Ruth, E.J. Nelson and R.R. Hillis
pp. 50-59
EG06067A rock physics simulator and its application for CO2 sequestration process
R. Li, K. Dodds, A.F. Siggins and M. Urosevic
pp. 67-72
EG06086Improved full-waveform inversion of normalised seismic wavefield data
H.J. Kim and T. Matsuoka
pp. 86-92
EG06093Joint inversion of receiver function and surface-wave phase velocity for estimation of shear-wave velocity of sedimentary layers
T. Kurose and H. Yamanaka
pp. 93-101
EG06108Application of linear-array microtremor surveys for rock mass classification in urban tunnel design
Y.H. Cha, J.S. Kang and C.-H. Jo
pp. 108-113
EG06121Reduction of magnetic anomaly observations from helicopter surveys at varying elevations
T. Nakatsuka and S. Okuma
pp. 121-128
EG06129Shallow subsurface structure of the Vulcano-Lipari volcanic complex, Italy, constrained by helicopter-borne aeromagnetic surveys
S. Okuma, T. Nakatsuka, M. Komazawa, M. Sugihara, S. Nakano, R. Furukawa and R. Supper
pp. 129-138