Exploration Geophysics
Volume 35 Number 1 2004
Geophysics in the Western Pacific Environment
Editors: J. Cull, K. Ushijima and H. J. Kim
EG04007CMP cross-correlation analysis of multi-channel surface-wave data
K. Hayashi and H. Suzuki
pp. 7-13
EG04014Resolving a velocity inversion at the geotechnical scale using the microtremor (passive seismic) survey method
J.C. Roberts and M.W. Asten
pp. 14-18
EG04019Seismic waveform tomography in the frequency-space domain: selection of the optimal temporal frequency for inversion
T. Yokota and J. Matsushima
pp. 19-24
EG04025Seismic wave monitoring of CO2 migration in water-saturated porous sandstone
Z. Xue and T. Ohsumi
pp. 25-32
EG04033Numerical and laboratory investigations of electrical resistance tomography for environmental monitoring
T. Dhu and G. Heinson
pp. 33-40
EG04045Detection of formation boundaries and permeable fractures based on frequency-domain Stoneley wave logs
H. Saito, K. Hayashi and Y. Iikura
pp. 45-50
EG04051Efficient crosswell EM Tomography using localized nonlinear approximation
H.J. Kim, Y. Song, K.H. Lee and M.J. Wilt
pp. 51-55
EG04056Permeability imaging in granitic rocks based on surface resistivity profiling
H. Sudo, T. Tanaka, T. Kobayashi, T. Kondo, T. Takahashi, M. Miyamoto and M. Amagai
pp. 56-61
EG04062Estimation of the zone of excavation disturbance around tunnels, using resistivity and acoustic tomography
K. Suzuki, E. Nakata, M. Minami, E. Hibino, T. Tani, J. Sakakibara and N. Yamada
pp. 62-69
EG04070Application of the tri-axial drill-bit VSP method to drilling for geological survey in civil engineering
N. Soma, M. Utagawa, M. Seto and H. Asanuma
pp. 70-79
EG04080Borehole radar survey to explore limestone cavities for the construction of a highway bridge
J.H. Kim, S.J. Cho and M.J. Yi
pp. 80-87
EG04093Archaeological geophysics: 3D imaging of the Muweilah archaeological site, United Arab Emirates
R. Evangelista and E. Wedepohl
pp. 93-98
EG04099Assessment of seawater intrusion using geophysical well logging and electrical soundings in a coastal aquifer, Youngkwang-gun, Korea
S. Hwang, J. Shin, I. Park and S. Lee
pp. 99-104