Exploration Geophysics
Volume 29 Numbers 3 & 4 1998
W.J. Amann and R. Pietilä
pp. 273-279
EG998280A high-frequency downhole sparker sound source for crosswell seismic surveying
S.J. Bierbaum and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 280-283
EG998284An integrated framework for interpolating airborne geophysical data with special reference to radiometrics
S.D. Billings and D.J. FitzGerald
pp. 284-289
EG998290Feasibility studies of TFMMIP and TFEM surveying with sub-audio magnetics
D.B. Boggs, J.M. Stanley and M.K. Cattach
pp. 290-295
EG998301A new, rapid, automated grid stitching algorithm
S. Cheesman, I. MacLeod and G. Hollyer
pp. 301-305
EG998312Remote determination of magnetic properties and improved drill targeting of magnetic anomaly sources by Differential Vector Magnetometry (DVM)
D.A. Clark, P.W. Schmidt D.A. Coward and M.P. Huddleston
pp. 312-319
EG998320Reflection models and ramp response for downhole TEM data
L.J. Cull, M.J. Asten and J.P. Cull
pp. 320-323
EG998347Examples from a new EM and electrical methods receiver system
A. Duncan, B. Amann, K. O'Keeffe, P. Williams, T. Tully, A. Wellington and G. Turner
pp. 347-354
EG998355An application of reverse coupling to increase signal strength beneath conductive sediments-Miitel Mine, Kambalda, W.A.
J. Elders and A. Wellington
pp. 355-360
EG998368Mapping dykes using surface and downhole seismic methods
B. Evans and M. Urosevic
pp. 368-371
EG998378Mapping the range front with gravity - are the corrections up to it?
M.F. Flis, A.L. Butt and P.J. Hawke
pp. 378-383
EG998384Ocean-bottom seismograph and conventional reflection surveys in the Petrel sub-basin: an integrated seismic study
A. Goncharov, C. Collins, P. Petkovic, T. Fomin, V. Pilipenko, B. Drummond and C.-S. Lee
pp. 384-390
EG998391Applied potential modelling of simple orebody structures
S. Greenhalgh and S. Cao
pp. 391-395
EG998396 Self demagnetisation corrections in magnetic modelling: some examples
W. Guo, M.C. Dentith, Z. Li and C.McA. Powell
pp. 396-401
EG9984073D seismic surveying for coal mine applications at Appin Colliery, NSW
P. Hatherly, G. Poole, I. Mason, B. Zhou and H. Bassingthwaighte
pp. 407-409
EG998410The continental margin off east Tasmania and Gippsland: structure and development using new multibeam sonar data
P.J. Hill, N.F. Exon, J.B. Keene and S.M. Smith
pp. 410-419
EG998428The magnetic daily variation in Australia: dependence of the total-field signal on latitude
A. Hitchman, F.E.M. Lilley, W. Campbell, F. Chamalaun and C. Barton
pp. 428-432
EG998433IP tomography test survey in the Barrier Main Lode, Broken Hill, Australia
H. Katayama, E. Arai, T. Suzuki and K. Yokokawa
pp. 433-439
EG998440Porosity form sonic log in gas-bearing shaly sandstones: field data versus empirical equations
A. Khaksar and C.M. Griffiths
pp. 440-446
EG998447Acoustic velocities as a function of effective pressure in low to moderate porosity shaly sandstones, Part 1 - experimental results
A. Khaksar and C. Griffiths
pp. 447-455
EG998462The contribution of high quality aeromagnetic survey data to hydrocarbon exploration
I. Kivior and D. Boyd
pp. 462-466
EG998472Geophysics of the Porgera gold mine, Papua New Guinea
J. Levett and K.J.F. Logan
pp. 472-476
EG998477Inversion of velocity field and anisotropic elastic parameters for layered VTI media
R. Li, P. Okoye and N. Uren
pp. 477-483
EG998484The international campaign on intercomparison between electrodes for geoelectrical measurements
K. Lu and J. Macnae
pp. 484-488
EG998489Application of microseismic monitoring to characterise geomechanical conditions in longwall mining
X. Luo and P. Hatherly
pp. 489-493
EG998494Measurement of static shift in MT and CSAMT surveys
J. Macnae, L. Lay and L. Weston
pp. 494-498
EG998499On the relation between the stacking process and resolution of a stacked section in a crosswell seismic survey
J. Matsushima, S. Rokugawa, T. Yokota T. Miyazaki and Y. Kato
pp. 499-505
EG998506The nature of the basement to the Kimberley Block, Northwestern Australia
P.J. Gunn and A.J. Meixner
pp. 506-511
EG998512Neutron radiography: A technique to support reservoir analysis
M.F. Middleton and I. Pàzsit
pp. 512-515
EG998524Lessons from a case study of a geophysical interpretation in Western Victoria
D.H. Moore and S. Maher
pp. 524-530
EG998543 Examination of the gravity & electromagnetic survey methods applied to coal exploration in the area of the Southern Gunnedah basin
O. Nakano, E. Ishii, N. Ozawa, B. Mullard, J. Beckett, D. Robson and A. Willmore
pp. 543-549
EG998550Accuracy and limitations of the near-offset P-wave NMO velocity estimation in transversely isotropic media
P.N. Okoye, N.F. Uren and J.A. McDonald
pp. 550-553
EG998554Weighted tomographic imaging of radio frequency data
G.A. Pears and P.K. Fullagar
pp. 554-559
EG998570Conductivity-depth transformation of slingram transient electromagnetic data
J.E. Reid and P.K. Fullagar
pp. 570-576
EG998577Separation filtering of aeromagnetic data using filter-banks
T.A. Ridsdill-Smith
pp. 577-583
EG998592An analysis of the Broken Hill exploration initiative petrophysical database
P. Ruszkowski
pp. 592-596
EG998597A thermal maturation study of the Carnarvon Basin, Australia and the northern North Sea, Europe
J. Samuelsson and M.F. Middleton
pp. 597-604
EG998609The calculation of magnetic components and moments from TMI: a case study from the Tuckers igneous complex, Queensland
P.W. Schmidt and D.A. Clark
pp. 609-614
EG998626The application of reflection tomography and interval velocity analysis to achieve accurate depth conversion of subtle structures: a case study
R. Taylor, D. Kelly, N. Fisher and A. Canning
pp. 626-631
EG998632Seismic methods for the detection of kimberlite pipes
M. Urosevic and B.J. Evans
pp. 632-635
EG998636Creating image gathers in the absence of proper common-offset gathers
G.J.O. Vermeer
pp. 636-642
EG998654Pre-stack depth migration experience in less complicated geological environments
R.G. Williams, B. Gosling and S. Hollingsworth
pp. 654-657
EG998658Geologists and geophysicists: getting them on the same planet
A.J. Willocks and B.A. Simons
pp. 658-664
EG998665How to find localised conductors in GEOTEM® data
P. Wolfgram, M. Hyde and S. Thomson
pp. 665-670
EG998675Radio frequency tomography trial at Mt Isa Mine
B. Zhou, P.K. Fullagar and G.N. Fallon
pp. 675-679
EG998680Crosshole acoustic velocity imaging with full-waveform spectral data: 2.5-D numerical simulations
Z. Bing and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 680-684