Exploration Geophysics
Volume 26 Numbers 2 & 3 1995
EG995051The geophysics of the Ernest Henry Cu-Au deposit (N.W.) Qld
M. Webb and P. Rowston
pp. 51-59
EG995060Geophysical surveys for strata-bound Outokumpu-type CU-CO-ZN deposits at Kylylahti, Eastern Finland
T. Rekola and A. Hattula
pp. 60-65
EG995066The magnetic signature of komatiitic peridotite-hosted nickel sulphide deposits in the Widgiemooltha area, Western Australia
L.M. McCall, M.C. Dentith, Z.X. Li and A. Trench
pp. 66-77
EG995084The Mt Leyshon magnetic anomaly
M.A. Sexton, G.W. Morrison, T.O.H. Orr, A.M. Foley and P.J. Wormald
pp. 84-91
EG995092Regional geophysics of the Alberton-Mangana goldfield, Northeast Tasmania
M. Roach and R. Richardson
pp. 92-99
EG995100The geophysical signature of the Batman Gold Deposit, Mt Todd Project, NT
N. Hungerford
pp. 100-105
EG995116Application of geophysics to the White Devil Gold Deposit, N.T.
P. Smith and D. Hall
pp. 116-123
EG995124Geophysical exploration for gold in deeply weathered terrains; two tropical cases
D. West and K. Witherly
pp. 124-130
EG995144Higher order spectra in the processing of magnetotelluric data
L.M. Hastie and K.M. Edwards
pp. 144-148
EG995149Interpretation of RIM surveys in underground potash mines
J. McGaughey, V. Laflèche and M.-J. Bertrand
pp. 149-153
EG995158Analytical solutions for the Total Field Magnetometric Resistivity (TFMMR) technique
N. Fathianpour and M.K. Cattach
pp. 158-166
EG995167Is full 3-D inversion necessary for interpreting EM data?
N. Stolz, A. Raiche, F. Sugeng and J. Macnae
pp. 167-171
EG995186Resistivity imaging by Time Domain Electromagnetic Migration (TDEMM)
M.S. Zhdanov, P.N. Traynin and O. Portniaguine
pp. 186-194
EG995195Supplementary ground geophysics for airborne electromagnetic salinity survey over Jemalong-Wyldes Plains area
J.A. Odins, J. Beckham and D.J. O'Neill
pp. 195-201
EG995202Hammer-induced seismic investigations in an area of observed anisotropy
S.G. Squire, R.R. Hillis and M.J. Rutty
pp. 202-205
EG995206Use of magnetics for the location of environmental contamination
T.D.J. Pippett, P. O'Donnell, S.I. Hankin and C.A. Blundell
pp. 206-208
EG995215Magnetic mineralogy of the Black Hill Norite and its aeromagnetic and palaeomagnetic implications
S. Rajagopalan, D. Clark and P. Schmidt
pp. 215-220
EG995227Interpreting aeromagnetic data in areas of limited outcrop: an example from the Arunta Block, Northern Territory
P.J. Gunn, D. Maidment and P. Milligan
pp. 227-232
EG995233A regional scale gravity survey of the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, Western Australia
D.J. Rout, M.C. Dentith and W.E. Featherstone
pp. 233-240
EG995255Evolution and structuring of the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf as delineated by aeromagnetic data
P.J. Gunn, R.C. Brodie, T. Mackey and G.W. O'Brien
pp. 255-261
EG995262Evolution and structuring of the offshore Otway Basin, Victoria as delineated by aeromagnetic data
P.J. Gunn, T. Mackay, J. Mitchell and D. Cathro
pp. 262-268
EG995269Interpretation and field investigation of some aeromagnetic anomalies from the Abminga Area, South Australia
S.H. Robinson and D.M. Barrett
pp. 269-275
EG995276The standardisation of airborne gamma-ray surveys in Australia
R.L. Grasty and B.R.S. Minty
pp. 276-283
EG995284Airborne radiometric calibration ? an Australian perspective
P.R. Groves and I. Campbell
pp. 284-291
EG995292Optimum channel combinations for multichannel airborne gamma-ray spectrometry
B.R.S. Minty and B.L.N. Kennett
pp. 292-301
EG995307Recent geophysical and mapping progress and implications for exploration
A.J. Willocks and B.C. Sands
pp. 307-314
EG995315High-resolution seismic tomographic delineation of ore deposits
S. Cao and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 315-318
EG995319Combined seismic technology for mine planning ? a user's perspective
G. Poole, R. Walsh, A. Newland and L. Leung
pp. 319-324
EG995325Three-dimensional reflector imaging of in-mine high frequency crosshole seismic data
C. Sinadinovski, S.A. Greenhalgh and I. Mason
pp. 325-330
EG995331A staged genetic algorithm for tomographic inversion of seismic refraction data
F. Boschetti, M. Dentith and R. List
pp. 331-335
EG995336Two step inversion (tomography and pre-stack migration) for high resolution seismic imaging in crosshole or VSP surveys
P. Zhao, P. Hatherly and N. Uren
pp. 336-339
EG995340Using seismic data and cross-hole analysis to image fractures
M. Urosevic, B.J. Evans, G. Poole, M. Seman and L. Basso
pp. 340-346
EG995347An improvement in lithology interpretation from well logs in the Patchawarra Formation, Toolachee Field, Cooper Basin, South Australia
A. Khaksar and A.B. Mitchell
pp. 347-353
EG995354Results of recent seismic acquisition trials and near surface correction comparisons in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins
J.R. Hughes and N.A. Fitzgerald
pp. 354-361
EG995374Spectral acoustic techniques for joint and fracture characterization
G. Jung, J.P. Cull and S. Cox
pp. 374-378
EG995395Tectonic development of the Eastern Officer Basin, Central Australia
D. Hoskins and N. Lemon
pp. 395-402
EG995403Swath-mapping the Australian continental margin: results from offshore Tasmania
P.J. Hill, N.F. Exon and J.Y. Royer
pp. 403-411
EG995412Regional depth-conversion of mapped seismic two-way-times in the Cooper-Eromanga Basins
R.R. Hillis, T.A. Macklin and P. Siffleet
pp. 412-418
EG995419The integrated use of 3D seismic data, well information and seismic forward modelling ? Lake Hope field area
H.R. Smith, N.M. Gibbins and A.C. Oldham
pp. 419-430
EG995431Variation of stacking velocity in transversely isotropic media
P.N. Okoye, N.F. Uren and W. Waluyo
pp. 431-436
EG995437Estimation of limestone reservoir porosity by seismic attribute and AVO analysis
D. Santoso, S. Alam, L. Hendraya, Alfia n, Sulistiyon o and S. Munadi
pp. 437-443
EG995444Using variations in amplitude with offset and midpoint to constrain tomographic inversion
D. Mair, G. Beresford and S. Carroll
pp. 444-447
EG995448AVO as an exploration tool in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin
R. Lovibond and M. Rauch
pp. 448-455
EG995456Computer representation of complex 3-D velocity models
U. Albertin, J. Shrout, G. Stankovic, J. Troutner, W. Wiggins and C.J. Beasley
pp. 456-460
EG995461Velocity modelling for depth migration using exact-time migration
M.O. Marcoux, C. Harris, L. Chernis and P. Whiting
pp. 461-467
EG995468Suppression of dipping noise and multiples using 3D pre-stack time migration
R.G. Williams and N.J. Cooper
pp. 468-471
EG995472Aliasing and sampling problems for multi-source and multi-cable data acquisition
R. Wombell and R.G. Williams
pp. 472-476
EG995477A method for the removal of long period surface related multiples
M. Lamont and N. Uren
pp. 477-481
EG995486Interactive attenuation of seismic multiples in the radial domain
S.P. Downie, B.M. Hartley and N.F. Uren
pp. 486-492
EG995493A partial DMO Operator for use with the Stacking Velocity Function
B. Zhou and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 493-496
EG995497Spectral characterisation of reflectivity sequences in the Amadeus, Surat and Bowen Basins, Australia
P. Phythian, S. Hearn and N. Hendrick
pp. 497-505
EG995512Tube wave suppression in high frequency mine seismic data by singular value decomposition
G. Teakle, S. Cao and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 512-517