Exploration Geophysics
Volume 24 Numbers 3 & 4 1993
H. Al Azry, S.S. Webster, D. Isles, H. Al Zubaidy and W. Witham
pp. 315-322
EG993323A comparison of airborne and ground electromagnetic techniques for mapping shallow zone resistivity variations
A. Anderson, A.R. Dodds, S. McMahon and G.J. Street
pp. 323-332
EG993333Geological mapping capabilities of the QUESTEM airborne electromagnetic system for mineral exploration ? Mt. Isa Inlier, Queensland
H.F. Anderson, A.C. Duncan and S.M. Lynch
pp. 333-340
EG993341Depth transform of seismic data by use of equi-travel time planes
Y. Ashida and K. Sassa
pp. 341-346
EG993347Experimental techniques in VSP recording and tube wave suppression as applied in the Northern Mount Isa Basin
M.G. Barlow and B.A. McConachie
pp. 347-358
EG993359Identifying multiples on seismic sections
G. Beresford, S.M. Gregory and A.F. McIntosh
pp. 359-366
EG993367 Physical property variations within archaean granite-greenstone terrane of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: The influence of metamorphic grade
B.T. Bourne, A. Trench, M.C. Dentith and J. Ridley
pp. 367-374
EG993375A practical approach to one-pass 3-D depth migration
M. Brzostowski, F. Snyder, P. Smith and P. Whiting
pp. 375-380
EG993381An intelligent seismic first-break time calculation scheme for inhomogeneous models
S. Cao and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 381-386
EG993387Sub-Audio Magnetics (SAM) ? a high resolution technique for simultaneously mapping electrical and magnetic properties
M.K. Cattach, J.M. Stanley, S.J. Lee and G.W. Boyd
pp. 387-400
EG993407Image processing for seismic mapping saves papering the walls
C.D. Cockshell, J.F. Allender and D.R. Vinall
pp. 407-414
EG993455Structure of the eastern margin of the Perth Basin, Western Australia
M.C. Dentith, I. Bruner, A. Long, M.F. Middleton and J. Scott
pp. 455-462
EG993473Seismic reflection images of the major ore-controlling structures in the Eastern Goldfields province, Western Australia
B.J. Drummond and B.R. Goleby
pp. 473-478
EG993479Coherent noise attenuation methods for low-fold seismic data
G. Duncan and G. Beresford
pp. 479-486
EG993493The Western Otway Basin ? a tectonic framework from new seismic, gravity and aeromagnetic data
D.M. Finlayson, C.D. Cockshell, B. Finlayson, D.W. Johnstone, C.V. Reeves, M.P. Morse and P.R. Milligan
pp. 493-500
EG9935093-D salt and sub-salt imaging strategy: A case history from the Gulf of Mexico
B. Godfrey, A. Pieprzak, K. Berg and Ö. Yilmaz
pp. 509-512
EG993513The regional geophysical response of the Stuart Shelf, South Australia
P.A. Gow, V.J. Wall and R.K. Valenta
pp. 513-520
EG993535High resolution aeromagnetics clarifies structuring in the Vlaming Sub-Basin, Western Australia
D.H. Heath, V.S. Clarke and A.N. Bint
pp. 535-542
EG993543Reservoir prediction utilising AVO walkaway VSP data to calibrate surface seismic gathers, a case study in Indonesia
P.L.C. Henderson, D. Hampson, S. Leaney, N. Smith and J. Rice
pp. 543-548
EG993567The contemporary stress field of the Barrow-Dampier Sub-Basin and its implications for horizontal drilling
R.R. Hillis and A.F. Williams
pp. 567-576
EG993577MIP test survey over the HYC deposit in McArthur River Area, N.T.
H. Hishida, T. Tsujimoto, G. Humphreys and G. Linford
pp. 577-584
EG993585Structural and tectonic framework of the Onshore Northern Perth Basin
R.P. Iasky and A.J. Mory
pp. 585-592
EG993599Structural Geophysics
M.W. Jessell, R.K. Valenta, G. Jung, J.P. Cull and A. Geiro
pp. 599-602
EG993603Crustal studies of South Australia based on energy spectral analysis of regional magnetic data
I. Kivior, Z. Shi, D. Boyd and K.R. McClay
pp. 603-608
EG993615Dewatering assessment at Hilton Mine, Queensland: An application of gravity methods
D.E. Leaman and B.K. Mutton
pp. 615-622
EG993631Timing and genesis of Hamersley iron-ore deposits
Z.X. Li, C.McA. Powell and R. Bowman
pp. 631-636
EG993637The Australian continent: a numerical model of its electrical conductivity structure, and electromagnetic response
F.E.M. (Ted) Lilley and R.W. Corkery
pp. 637-644
EG993645Characterization of lithology using crosshole methods
C.A. Link, J.A. McDonald, D.A. Ebrom and H.W. Zhou
pp. 645-654
EG993663Increased resolution of processed satellite altimeter data: The development of a quality global gravity database
A.S. Long and T.A. Spurling
pp. 663-670
EG993671Recycling stacking velocities for better seismic processing
A.F. McIntosh and J.P. Oden
pp. 671-678
EG9936793-D analytic signal in the interpretation of total magnetic field data at low magnetic latitudes
I.N. MacLeod, K. Jones and T.F. Dai
pp. 679-688
EG993689Pre-stack and post-stack noise attenuation using the diversity t-p transform
R.D. Martinez, P. Cowan and T. Allen
pp. 689-696
EG993711A preliminary interpretation of deep seismic reflection and other geophysical data from the Darling Fault Zone, Western Australia
M.F. Middleton, S.A. Wilde, B.A. Evans, A. Long and M. Dentith
pp. 711-718
EG993719TEMPER: A software package for the interactive interpretation of airborne transient electromagnetic data
T. Monks and M. Asten
pp. 719-724
EG993733Seismic interface modelling: a physical approach to Zoeppritz Theory
J.S. Norris and B.J. Evans
pp. 733-742
EG9937433-D visualisation of transpressional structures in the eastern Otway Basin
E.J. O'Callaghan
pp. 743-750
EG993751Spatial resolution and amplitude studies in anisotropic seismic reflection: a physical modelling study
P.N. Okoye (Jr.) and N.F. Uren
pp. 751-760
EG993769Geophysical investigations of volcanic terrains: a case history from the Gawler Range Volcanic Province, South Australia
S. Rajagopalan, S. Zhiqun and R. Major
pp. 769-778
EG993779A comparison of regional ? residual separation techniques for gravity surveys
M.J. Roach, D.E. Leaman and R.G. Richardson
pp. 779-784
EG993785The study of diffusion effects in RIM tomographic imaging
G. Rogers, L. Brandt, J. Young and J. Kot
pp. 785-788
EG993789AUTOMAG ? An automatic method to estimate thickness of overburden from aeromagnetic profiles
Z. Shi and D. Boyd
pp. 789-794
EG993801Geophysical surveys of leaking tailings impoundments
G.J. Street, A. Perry and L.J. Greenham
pp. 801-804
EG993805 Bringing geophysics into the mine: radio attenuation imaging and mine geology
S. Thomson and S. Hinde
pp. 805-810
EG993811On the gravity signature of Archaean greenstones in the Widgiemooltha-Tramways area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia
A. Trench, M. House, D.R. Miller, J.A. Withers, B. Goleby and B.J. Drummond
pp. 811-818
EG993819Ground penetrating radar ? will it clear the haze at your site?
G. Turner, A.F. Siggins and L.D. Hunt
pp. 819-832
EG993833Improved static corrections plus pre-stack interpretation improves the resolution of 2-D seismic data
M. Urosevic, B.J. Evans and P.J. Hatherly
pp. 833-840
EG993847Modelling the effects of thin beds on amplitude versus offset response using the Campbell-2 well
M. Windhofer, M. Stevens and P. Kirk
pp. 847-858
EG993863Seismic tomography for field VSP surveys in an inhomogeneous and anisotropic medium
P. Zhao, P. Hatherly, B.J. Evans and F. Wenzel
pp. 863-872
EG993873Extrapolation of vector (elastic) displacements by displacement potential field continuation
J. Zhe and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 873-878
EG993879Application of computerised tomography methods to the interpretation of magnetic anomaly profiles
J. Zhou and J.M. Stanley
pp. 879-882