Exploration Geophysics
Volume 23 Number 4 1992
Urban and Industrial Geophysics
Editors: D. W. Emerson and J. Odins
EG992543The application of electromagnetic and electrical methods to groundwater problems in urban environments
G. Buselli, G.B. Davis, C. Barber, M.I. Height and S.H.D. Howard
pp. 543-555
EG992557Geophysical techniques in contaminated lands assessment ? do they deliver?
R.J. Whiteley and C. Jewell
pp. 557-565
EG992589The geophysical responses of buried drums ? field tests in weathered Hawkesbury Sandstone, Sydney Basin, NSW
D.W. Emerson, J.E. Reid, D.A. Clark, M.S.C. Hallett and P.B. Manning
pp. 589-617