Exploration Geophysics
Volume 22 Number 3 1991
EG991497The Gippsland Basin deep seismic reflection/refraction grid
P.E. Williamson, J.B. Willcox, J.B. Colwell and C.D.N. Collins
pp. 497-502
EG991515Multicomponent seismic reflection profiling ? some scale model experiments
D.R. Pant and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 515-523
EG991525Modelling seismic reflections in central Australia by the 3D isochronal technique
S. Cao, B.R. Goleby and B.L.N. Kennett
pp. 525-532
EG991533High order finite difference modeling and reverse time migration
D. Loewenthal, C.J. Wang, O.G. Johnson and C. Juhlin
pp. 533-545
EG991547Notes on rock magnetization characteristics in applied geophysical studies
D.A. Clark and D.W. Emerson
pp. 547-555