Exploration Geophysics
Volume 22 Number 2 1991
J. Macnae and P. McGowan
pp. 251-256
EG991265DC resistivity inversion using general-purpose optimisation software
N.P. Merrick
pp. 265-270
EG991271Geophysical data processing and interpretation in an area of complex structure ? the southern Taranaki Boundary Fault Zone
J.F. Montalbetti and D.J. Norris
pp. 271-276
EG991285Pre-Tertiary basement structure of the central Murray Basin, and its effect on groundwater flow patterns
J.A. Odins, R.M. Williams, D.J. O'Neill and S.J. Lawson
pp. 285-290
EG991291Imaging of subsurface faults by walkaway VSP waveguiding
D.R. Pant, I.M. Mason and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 291-294
EG991295Heterogeneity in the thermal state of the lower crust and upper mantle beneath eastern Australia
N.J. Pearson, S.Y. O'Reilly and W. Griffin
pp. 295-298
EG991305Seismic AVO analysis of a permian gas sand at Kerna field, Cooper Basin, SA
J. Pinchin and A.B. Mitchell
pp. 305-308
EG991315The Scuddles massive sulphide discovery: an exploration case history
S.H. Robinson and S.M. Belford
pp. 315-320
EG991321 Tertiary uplift estimation from velocity data in the Eromanga Basin
J. Rodgers, F.L. Wehr and J.W. Hunt
pp. 321-324
EG991325High resolution seismic for resolving coal seam structure in difficult terrain
J. Saunders, P. Lamb and D. Sweeney
pp. 325-332
EG991333A new direct non-invasive groundwater detection technology for Australia
M. Schirov, A. Legchenko and G. Creer
pp. 333-338
EG991345The BMR regional seismic line across the Amadeus Basin, central Australia: implications for the tectonics of the Basin and for hydrocarbon exploration
R.D. Shaw, R.J. Korsch, B.R. Goleby and C. Wright
pp. 345-352
EG991353A practical approach to the filtering of airborne magnetic data in the Cobar region of NSW
S.N. Sheard, J.R. Bishop and R.V. Kissitch
pp. 353-356
EG991375Integrated electromagnetic and seismic methods for petroleum exploration
K.-M. Strack, A. Hoerdt, P.A. Wolfgram and K. Vozoff
pp. 375-378
EG991383An application of regression M-estimation with the Hilbert transform to magnetotelluric data processing
D. Sutarno and K. Vozoff
pp. 383-390
EG991391Image processing of interpreted 3D seismic data to enhance subtle structural features/lineations
L.A. Tilbury and D. Bush
pp. 391-396
EG991401Structural fabric and tectonics associated with the Polda Lineament, South Australia ? a geophysical and morphotectonic assessment
D.H. Tucker, R.G. Nelson and J.C. Pitt
pp. 401-404
EG991405Anisotropic wave propagation and zero-offset migration
N.F. Uren, G.H.F. Gardner and J.A. McDonald
pp. 405-410
EG991423Engineering seismic refraction: an improved field practice and a new interpretation program, REFRACT
C. Walker, T.M. Leung, M.A. Win and R.J. Whiteley
pp. 423-428
EG991433Vulcan Graben, Timor Sea; regional structure from a magnetic survey
P. Wellman and G.W. O'Brien
pp. 433-438
EG991451Error in estimation of arrival direction on offset VSP data
M. Windhofer and R. Young
pp. 451-456
EG991457Integrating geophysical techniques to study a small confined aquifer
P.J. Wolfe and B.H. Richard
pp. 457-460
EG991465Tectonic evolution of bass strait ? origins of tertiary inversion
I.M. Young, M.A. Trupp and M.J. Gidding
pp. 465-468
EG991475Effect of pore pressure on compressional wave velocity in coals
G. Yu, K. Vozoff and D.W. Durney
pp. 475-480
EG991481Multiple suppression by a wave-equation extrapolation method
B. Zhou and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 481-484