Exploration Geophysics
Volume 22 Number 1 1991
EG991005An application of airborne GEOTEM* in Australian conditions
A.P. Annan and R. Lockwood
pp. 5-12
EG991031Environmental and operational challenges of a seismic survey on and around the Muiron Islands, Western Australia
J. Bauer and B. Kelsall
pp. 31-34
EG991035The zero-velocity layer: migration from irregular surfaces
C.J. Beasley and W. Lynn
pp. 35-40
EG991045Quantitative evaluation of dynamic time-shifts for correcting seismic data
G. Beresford and D. Mair
pp. 45-48
EG991049A fresh look at the late Palaeozoic tectonic history of western-central Australia
J. Braun, H. McQueen and M. Etheridge
pp. 49-54
EG991059The use of electro-geophysical methods for groundwater pollution and soil salinity problems
G. Buselli, C. Barber, G.B. Davis and D.R. Williamson
pp. 59-64
EG991071Non-destructive core analysis using X-ray computed tomography
L. Coshell, J. Scott, A.M. Knights, B.J. Evans and M.W. Hill
pp. 71-74
EG991075Offset dependent static corrections on a continental shelf edge 3D seismic survey
M.G. Cousins, P.M. Whiting and T.J. Allen
pp. 75-80
EG991081Analytical techniques in interpretation of regional aeromagnetic data
D.R. Cowan and S. Cowan
pp. 81-84
EG991085 Environmental impact of seismic exploration activities in PELs 5 & 6, SA ? a department of mines and energy perspective
T.N. Crabb and P.R. Dunne
pp. 85-92
EG991101The crustal stress pattern in the Australian continent
D. Denham and C.R. Windsor
pp. 101-106
EG991107Gravity gradiometry for geophysical prospecting
M.H. Dransfield, M.J. Buckingham, C. Edwards, F.J. van Kann, A.G. Mann, R. Matthews and P.J. Turner
pp. 107-110
EG991111The nature of faulting along the margins of the Fitzroy Trough, Canning Basin, and implications for the tectonic development of the trough
B.J. Drummond, M.J. Sexton, T.J. Barton and R.D. Shaw
pp. 111-116
EG991123The role of intraplate stress in tertiary (and mesozoic) deformation of the Australian continent and its margins: A key factor in petroleum trap formation
M. Etheridge, H. McQueen and K. Lambeck
pp. 123-128
EG991129The numerical modelling of sandstone pinch-outs and drapes in the Bowen Basin, Queensland
B. Evans, P. Carter and D. Khoo
pp. 129-134
EG991143A sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the eastern Gippsland Basin
A.M. Fittall and M.R. Cvetanovic
pp. 143-148
EG991153Environmental guidelines for onshore seismic operations in Western Australia
I. Fraser and A. Ryall
pp. 153-156
EG991161Implications for geothermal profiling from magnetotelluric data
J.D. Gray and J.P. Cull
pp. 161-164
EG991165Transform techniques applied to the attenuation of long period multiples
P. Haskey and J. Ashdown
pp. 165-168
EG991169Evaluation of P- and S-wave sources for shallow seismic reflection
S.J. Hearn, M.H. Kay and O. Dixon
pp. 169-174
EG991175The electrical conductivity structure of the oceanic lithosphere beneath the Tasman Sea
G.S. Heinson and F.E.M. Lilley
pp. 175-178
EG991179Transmission characteristics of in-seam seismic waves through dykes at German Creek Central Colliery, Queensland
R.D. Hewson and L.A. Drake
pp. 179-184
EG991185Plume tectonics and the development of stable continental crust
R.I. Hill, I.H. Campbell and R.W. Griffiths
pp. 185-188
EG991195The triple-junction structure of mantle plumes and continental rifting
G.A. Houseman
pp. 195-198
EG991199Structural study of the southern Perth Basin by geophysical methods
R.P. Iasky, R.A. Young and M.F. Middleton
pp. 199-206
EG991223Structure of the Permian-Mesozoic eastern Australian Basins complex, with emphasis on the BMR Bowen Basin deep seismic profiles
R.J. Korsch, K.D. Wake-Dyster and D.W. Johnstone
pp. 223-226
EG9912273D seismic reflection: examples of its application to mine planning and safety in Australian Coalfields
A.N. Lambourne, P.J. Hatherly and B.J. Evans
pp. 227-230
EG991231Exploration significance of gravity surveys, Rosebery Mine, Tasmania
D.E. Leaman
pp. 231-234
EG991235Multi-sensor marine geophysical profiling and digital acquisition using SAS1
J. Lean and D.A. Pratt
pp. 235-242
EG991247A numerical study of electromagnetic wave propagation (RIM) in disrupted coal seams
G. Liu, G. Smith, S. Thomson, K. Vozoff and R. Hatherly
pp. 247-250