Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Volume 10 Number 3 1979
EG979184Quantified stratigraphy ? an exploration approach for the eighties
P.R. Vail and J. Hardenbol
pp. 184-184
EG979184aThe definition and development of the Mackerel field Gippsland Basin
D.M. Maughan
pp. 184-184
EG979185Field development with three dimensional seismic methods in the Gulf of Thailand ? A case history
C.D. Dahm and R.J. Graebner
pp. 185-187
EG979189Exploration for underground gas storage targets in South Australia
C.D. Cockshell
pp. 189-190
EG979192The transformer bridge and magnetic susceptibility measurement
B.H. Ridley and H.E. Brown
pp. 192-193
EG979193Magnetic and gravity interpretation on the Stuart Shelf South Australia
C.G. Anderson
pp. 193-194
EG979194Petrophysical results from rocks of the wyalong district and their significance in local magnetic interpretation
D.A. Clark and D.W. Emerson
pp. 194-196
EG979197The Georgina Basin: Sixties data; seventies interpretation; for eighties? discoveries?
B.W. Wyatt and D.H. Tucker
pp. 197-198
EG979208The transient EM technique ? Newmont's system in Australia
G.O. Dickson and G.W. Boyd
pp. 208-209
EG979209Joint magnetotelluric ? DC resistiviy survey eastern officer basin
D.L.B. Jupp, D. Kerr, H. Lemaire, B.E. Milton, R.F. Moore, R. Nelson and K. Vozoff
pp. 209-212
EG979212Concentrations of natural telluric currents and their relation to the basement structure of the eromanga basin, Southwest Queensland
D.V. Woods and F.E.M. Lilley
pp. 212-213
EG979222aDevelopment of an on-line processing system for shallow marine reflection data
R.J. Whiteley, L.V. Hawkins, D.J. Robinson and W.H. Holmes
pp. 222-223
EG979223Estimation of rippability and excavation conditions in calcrete deposits with seismic refraction methods
L.V. Hawkins and R.J. Whiteley
pp. 223-224
EG979228Computerised processing and presentation of borehole data
J.E. Haigh and R.J. Henderson
pp. 228-231