Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Volume 10 Number 1 1979
EG979042Aeromagnetics?an effective geological mapping aid for the willyama complex?
J.I. McIntyre
pp. 42-53
EG979054Geological and physical characteristics of some magnetic sources in lower proterozoic metasediments pine creek geosyncline N.T.
D.H. Tucker, I.G. Hone, N. Sampath and G.R. Ewers
pp. 54-66
EG979067The petrophysical and petrologic characteristics of the magnetic igneous intrusion at Mt Derriwong, N.S.W.
D.W. Emerson, B.J.J. Embleton and D. Clark
pp. 67-78
EG979079Physical property measurements as an aid to magnetic interpretation in basement terrains
A.J. Mutton and R.D. Shaw
pp. 79-91
EG979099 The flemington intrusion fifield N.S.W.?petrophysical and petrological notes
D.W. Emerson, B.J.J. Embleton and D. Clark
pp. 99-100
EG979109Some equivalent bodies and ambiguity in magnetic and gravity interpretation
B.D. Johnson and G. van Klinken
pp. 109-110